
Warrior Mom since 2007
What exactly happens if you tell his PO you have decided to let them remove him from the home? Does he then go into Foster care? I would need to know exactly what is going to happen in order to make that decision. You are in such a difficult spot. You do need to think about your baby and 5 yr old as well. If it is a safety issue then he needs to go. Not necessarily forever. He needs help. Maybe someone else is better able to give him that help than you are right now.

Why is your husband not supportive? Are the other children his?

When is your due date?


New Member
What exactly happens if you tell his PO you have decided to let them remove him from the home? Does he then go into Foster care? I would need to know exactly what is going to happen in order to make that decision. You are in such a difficult spot. You do need to think about your baby and 5 yr old as well. If it is a safety issue then he needs to go. Not necessarily forever. He needs help. Maybe someone else is better able to give him that help than you are right now.

Why is your husband not supportive? Are the other children his?

When is your due date?

His PO said he wasn't exactly for sure, the judge may order another GAL which would push everything back another month. He said there was also a chance CPS could get involved if I voluntarily turned him over. I think the not knowing for sure is what has me at odds and I feel like I am being rushed into making this decision.

My husband is tired of all the drama, disrespect, disobedience, and craziness with him and he just wants him gone. My other children are his. I went to the Dr today and I'm now playing the waiting game. He could come anytime or it could be a couple weeks.


Warrior Mom since 2007
Is there anyone you could call to get all of your questions answered? CPS maybe? Someone should be able to advise you.

Any other family that could take him for awhile?


New Member
This only my completely unqualified, objective opinion- Your son sounds like he has severe conduct disorder- it's just not clear why. Possibly severe ADHD with utter lack of impulse control. It's baffling that a psychiatrist can't provide you with more insight. I absolutely agree with other posts- he should leave your home, at least temporarily. He is unsafe, and you have other children. Further, whatever lessons he needs to learn, he is not learning by staying in your home. Obviously, you have done everything possible , it's not you. It's that his condition may need to be handled within a system of strict consequence/reward that is done best in a treatment facility. It isn't practical in real life. I cannot imagine the stress of being 9 months pregnant and going through this experience. My heart goes out to you.


New Member
So just an update on today's happenings. Had a meeting a difficult child's school. He has to attend an alternative school for troubled kids next year. When we went to court the judge gave him 5 days in juvie and stated he must comply with counseling. Told him if he did not, he would be removed from the home. Also found out that if I voluntarily give up custody without court intervention, I would be charged with either abandonment or neglect, and then CPS would be involved with my family. So once again it looks like I have come to a dead end.


Well-Known Member
he must comply with counseling. Told him if he did not, he would be removed from the home
So this means... either he starts getting help, or COURT will remove him from your home, right? In which case it isn't voluntary on your part, so no CPS... ??


New Member
So how are you feeling about things? How about your son? What does he think about the 5 days in juvie?

I don't think it bothered him a bit. In his general form he showed no emotion, other than a small smirk. When he was arrested on the original charge, he spent 7 days and he didn't even attempt to improve. I still feel like I am at a loss.


New Member
So this means... either he starts getting help, or COURT will remove him from your home, right? In which case it isn't voluntary on your part, so no CPS... ??

Yes, that is the way I understood it. However, his PO did say it could be a bit of a process because his judge likes to exhaust all options before they remove a child. Plus, now that he has a history of fire starting they are even more reluctant to do so because they are putting others at risk. He also said it could take 6 weeks to even get the counseling started. His PO said they won't violate him simply for poor behavior, he has to receive a charge or refuse to participate in counseling. I really feel like it was more of a scare tactic. I am not optimistic at all.


New Member
This only my completely unqualified, objective opinion- Your son sounds like he has severe conduct disorder- it's just not clear why. Possibly severe ADHD with utter lack of impulse control. It's baffling that a psychiatrist can't provide you with more insight. I absolutely agree with other posts- he should leave your home, at least temporarily. He is unsafe, and you have other children. Further, whatever lessons he needs to learn, he is not learning by staying in your home. Obviously, you have done everything possible , it's not you. It's that his condition may need to be handled within a system of strict consequence/reward that is done best in a treatment facility. It isn't practical in real life. I cannot imagine the stress of being 9 months pregnant and going through this experience. My heart goes out to you.

*That is how I feel too. Thank you for your support!


New Member
I completely feel for you and have read countless similar posts.
Something is wrong with the system.
You need help and so does this child!!!
I would like to follow your story and document what happens.
I also know about interventions that can help.
Please let me know if you'd consider this - it could help make the world a better place for families like yours!!!


New Member
Wow - this is a lot to handle and I completely understand how overwhelmed you must feel.
It's great that you are reaching out for support!
Are there any behavior (or disruptive behavior) disorder clinics near you that you could contact for help?
I'm aware of a couple of great programs for kids with juvenile justice involvement.
What area do you live in?
If you don't want to post that publicly - can you respond to me privately?


Well-Known Member
His first 2 years were great, then I met my husband. The first few years of our marriage was not nice, my son did witness DV, but never abused himself. Well maybe some verbal abuse if I were going to be honest about it. These are all things I have always been up front with every therapist, social worker, psychiatrist, etc. His real dad is not really in the picture, nor has he been. I don't know much family hx as he was adopted. On my end we have depression. He actually is great with animals, he just started setting fires, he does intentionally hurt his brother but has never tried to hurt me, he does start fights at school. My husband who has raised him since he was 2 is in the home and that is not a good situation. As I said he wants him gone because he feels he is unsafe around us and our children, so yes I handle him all by myself. No support. I have a 5 year old at home, and ready to deliver another baby anytime. I am fearful, he is so unpredictable. I don't believe he is a bad kid either, he has moments where he melts my heart (few and far between of course). He needs help, I need a break. We have switched psychiatrists 3 or 4 times and all of them have said the same thing. I'm just exhausted.

You adopted him at what age? He HAS had a lot of chaos in his early years and that can lead to reactive attachment disorder, which he has every symptom of. He could be pretending to be nice to your animals. We adopted a child who had Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) (we didn't know it) and he acted as if he LOVED our pets. Later, he killed two of them, but he had acted so loving toward them that the first time we didn't even consider it may have been him. He also sexually abused our younger two kids and we didn't find out for two years since he scared them into silence with a knife and threats to kill us all. He told my two very young kids that he was the devil and they believed him.

As soon as we found out about the molestation he was gone that day. We called CPS and told them to get him the hello out of here and never saw him again, but CPS was GOOD to us. They did all they could to lavish us with expensive services for the younger two kids and the adopted kid, who I call Psychokid, was charged with molesting a minor child because he was six years older than my daughter. He was found guilty and sent to a jail/facility for young sexual predators. We didn't get into any trouble. If he hurts your younger kids, or if he is sexual around either, I would call CPS, not the cops. The cops are no help at all. After I found out what he had done to the younger kids right under our noses, I spent a few days in a psychiatric ward feeling suicidal. Don't ever let it get to that point.

For whatever reason, we were allowed to dissolve our adoption and we did. I had to think of my two kids who were terrified of him and didn't want them to think we in any way supported him. Period. It turned out for the best. Twelve years later my two "younger" kids are no longer younger and doing really well. I don't know if they would have understood us hanging in there with Psychokid. I'm not telling you to give up your parental rights to your child. We had only had Psychokid for three years and he was already eleven when we adopted him and he was not bonded to us AT ALL. All he cared about us for was when we bought him stuff.

But I understand why your husband wants him out of the house. You really need to be very careful ever allowing this child around your younger two. Attachment disordered kids are very sneaky and do things you wouldn't expect of them because they put on such great acts, especially to the outside world. If bio. mom did drugs or drank while pregnant, there are probably other brain damaged issues with this child as well. I would try to find a way to get him to residential treatment center. Foster care is too risky for the foster family. This child is a threat to anyone around him.

Most psychiatrists and psychologists and therapists, unless they have a ton of adopted children as clients, know very little about attachment disorders and call their disorders everything else. Psychokid didn't get his diagnosis until he was locked up. Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is very hard to treat once the child is as far gone as yours is. I'm not a professional either, but this kid sounds classic.

Hugs and you have my support too, whatever you decide to do.

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