I don't really have medication advice, except to warn to wean off Welbutrin, or any similar medication, VERY slowly. Please google "Welbutrin withdrawal" - you will be amazed.
My son was on zoloft for 5 months and then his aggression/rage went off the scale. The medication was great at first, and then POW! it was awful. medications can build up in the system and then do very bad things.
Please stay away from effexor, while it helps a few, the side effects are terrible. Brain shivers, mood swings, phobias, increased anxiety are all things I experienced on it - and switching to another medication was one of the worst experiences of my life.
Whatever medication they suggest, take time to research it and read the prescribing info on it. It is really hard to find the right medication.
Welcome to our site! I will say that Sara PA has great info on the medications, she really has devoted herself to learning about them.
Also, with all the alcoholism, etc... has anyone explored the possiblity of bipolar or other mood disorders? Often people use alcohol to self-medicate and it does run in families.