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Oh boy....I know I'm in for a long haul. Parents of teens really have their hands tied in a lot of ways. I can't call the cops because I never have proof of anything that I can show them - well actually now that I have this melted pen and the tin foil bowls that could be turned into the police... If it was just smoking weed on the weekends, and making good choice otherwise - I wouldn't make a big deal about it honestly. But the defiance and the combativeness is making me pull my hair out! I feel there would be physical signs of Meth use - and there is none. He's not losing weight, or looking nasty (besides the way teenage pot heads normally look), and he's not super hyper or super passed out.

That's interesting about Molly being a combo of Meth, Bath salts, and MDMA - I had no idea. I thought it was more like Ecstasy. I'm not as aware as I thought I was. I guess I'll have to wait it out until the next situation comes up - maybe I'll take the melted pen to the police to see if they can test it??

thoughts on that? Anything I can do with the police about the drinking? I never catch him in the act - I just find the evidence later.
