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My story is similar in may way to Janes.....We had my son in many programs... when he was 15 we sent him to a wilderness program and then to a therapeutic boarding school.  MWM is right they wont really change until he wants too..... BUT when they are young, drug use is not good for their developing brain.  So I really believe that even though doing that did not solve the problem in the long run, it gave him  18 months without drugs for his brain to develop.  I really think fi we had not intervened then my son would probably be dead now. So when they are under 18, look for ways to intervene if you can.  So yes look at what programs are available in your area and what you can afford.  Call the pediatrician for ideas, and there is a lot of info on the web.

As far as the police.... call and ask if they have a youth officer.  If they do call them... they often are more informed.  There are great cops and their are lousy cops.... who knows who you got.  They dont sound great that is for sure.

After he is 18 it is pretty hard to intervene and that is the time to really let things fall as they may.  If he continues on a drug path he probably will get arrested at some point and then the system gets invovled.  That sometimes is a good thing.  Some courts have drug court and that can be really helpful. 

My son is now 23 and at least for the moment seems to be getting his life together.  But he has had some really tough times int he process....some time in jail and some time on the streets.  Definitely very very hard to watch for me.

So as others have said, in the middle of all this you have to find ways to take care of yourself.  Find a live support group for parents such as alanon.  Along with this website that has been a lifesaver for me.
