Reply to thread! I get what you to keep safe distance when someone is so determined to believe "their own reality".  My world has been very similar.  Labeled something I wasn't by my parents (not a diagnosis just a wrong character trait) has stuck with me no matter what else i have done in life. I think that was what was most frustrating and gave me that powerless feeling.  I was not what they said but I finally fell into believing this about myself for many years and treated myself the same way they did...self-destructive.  Today I have a much clearer image of myself (and much help along the way to change this self-image and mirror who I really am) so it is they who have had a really hard time seeing me differently....which is why I live far enough away that even a phone call or one text in the past would trigger me.  It's been a very long road and (more is yet to come!!) but today their disapproval no longer bothers it's turned to positives from them which also do not matter.  I have been treated better by sttrangers than my own parents.  But enough....before long you may actually know me!!  Have a great day!!
