I am not saying he will although I think it is more seriious, perhaps because it happened to my kids.
Nothing would legally happen to people talking to one another. We do it all the time. In my years of having four kids I heard everything about minor children who were not formally arrested and its an okay conversation to have. At least i never heatd of anyone get into trouble for what they reported. But....am I right??? I read and am no lo ger sure.
Sumsky, loving woman, you have really thought this out and I totally respect you and your decision and I mean it. Your SS did not touch your daughter. My child had sex with babies. I do consider these two very different levels of abuse.
I would never ever ever make a ton of calls to neighbors about anyone ever, child or not. Because of my traumatic experience, I am sure if I knew SS was dating "Mary" that i would tell Marys mother what he did to let her decide if she feels okay with Mary dating him. I would feel it was my duty to inform this one mother. Thats all. But is that right? I am questioning myself now.
I have always been aborhent to bullying and also keep to myself and dont want to hear or tell gossip. This is probably the only crime that would have me maybe nervously calling Marys mom.
But I hear your kind points of you. I hear Copa. I hear RE. I trust Copa and RE very much. I respect both and you. I also think you made your decision carefully and should walk your path. It is a path of love and good intention. Perhaps informing anyone would not be the right thing to do, even if I thought I should. I am not always right. I do not want to belittle the brave strides you have taken for your family.
I trust the words of you three smart ladies and wish you all a great evening. You made solid points in my opinion.