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I just don't know what to do are feel. I guess I am asking a question. Is there anything wrong for me to want my daughter to say thank you once in awhile. I feel like she hates me. Let me start out she gets on me when I text her. After I text her she will call me and chew me out saying "I was trying to text my friend and you kept texting and texting me quit texting me so much" I hardly ever text her. Maybe once every two days. I have gave her my 2006 PT Cruiser. I have given her money, I have help her with her rent you name it I have done it and all I get is quit texting me. She says it hateful too. I think she is a narcissist thinks the world owes her and I better be glad she is letting me help her. Not one thank you are a hug to say mamma I love you.!!! I will tell her about it too. I say Kim " You never tell me thank you I don't feel like you appreciate me" She will tell me I tell you all the time you just don't see it" What ?? I said she just stormed out cause I told her she needs to explain her appreciation cause I don't feel like I am receiving it. I feel like she hates me. I just told myself I am not going to do anything for her anymore. I am going to just leave her alone and let her come to me. I don't know what I have done to make her so mad. For one thing and I wonder if this could be it maybe someone could tell me she has been diagnosed with a Bipolar disorder and not on medication. Is this a character of that. And I just need to quit wearing my feelings on my shoulder. She is mean and hateful and maybe one day out of a month she will be really sweet I want even know her Sometimes she looks like she is possessed. She is 38 now and even when she was real little she would not take any responsibility for anything. For instance you will set your drink down on the coffee table she will walk by and accidentally knock it over. Instead of taking responsibility for it she will tell you it is your fault for setting it there. That is you had not set the drink there she would not of knocked it over. What in the world is wrong with her. No appreciation for nothing no love just a harsh personality. I make excuses that she is 38 and was married to the Hispanic guy who had just got out of prison when she met him three years ago. She had just got a 19,000 dollar settlement. Would not even loan me 2000 dollars to by me another car my was acting up. but the guy Daniel took her for a 3 year ride all the money was gone in about 2 months. She took a felony for him he had drugs on him he came home the cops were behind him she had just come out of the house and he told her to tell the cops the drugs were hers. but me nothing. Why ??? Now she is 38 has a felony on her record which me and my sister begged her not to take the charge even the court appointed attorney dropped her case because Kim had not one thing on her record and this guy had 10 pages of criminal and being in prison. So anyway I think maybe she has a mental problem and I need to quit trying to get anything from her I am just wondering does anyone have a daughter who likes her friends does things for boyfriends but me nothing nothing. I always say I am not going to do anything else for her she even said I don't want you doing anything for me cause you always want something for it. Yes I do maybe a thank you would be nice. She tells me she cannot show me how she appreciates like I want her to but I told her I don't feel are see anything. I am rambling I am just so upset been holding all this in I am single and 66 years old I cannot take much more. I just tell myself she is narcissistic and bipolar and to get over myself and quit trying to get my emotional needs from her.