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Even with all your prayers, positive thoughts & well wishes, the meeting yesterday had to be cancelled.  wm was extremely disappointed, as was I.  However, I was able to redirect his "doomed" state of mind & help him with next week's lunch visit.

I believe because the visit has been reschedule we will be meeting at a restaurant for lunch (buffet) to have more time if wm tolerates it.

I've lined up the PCA to be here early for kt next week just in case. 

As this is just the start of visits between wm & myself, they will continue to be supervised to this extent & in the company of all these professionals for at least a couple of months.

So...onto next week.  I've spoken with wm twice now & said I was done, now, hearing how "it bites" the visit was put off.  I planned on looking forward to next week & not being angry about life circumstances or things that might get in the way. 

"Okay, mom, if you can do that so can I."  We'll see.  He's pretty good at trying to show me up.   :surprise:   :smile:
