Out of the mouths of a difficult child


Going Green
difficult child had an appointment yesterday for testing/interview for his disability application. He had me sit with him the whole time and sometimes.....sometimes it was all I could do to keep quiet.

The whole thing was a variety of questions, background, symptoms and testing on various things. My favorite though, and I even looked at difficult child when we left and said "Really?" was:

doctor to difficult child: Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?

difficult child to doctor: (Swear to God he said this) *without missing a beat* Martin Luther King's son.



(the future) MRS. GERE


Thank you for my first laugh of the day.

That. Is. Priceless.

And true!

Gotta love 'em, 'Stang.




Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah...we were driving by the park, and Miss KT noticed the street was named "Audubon," and asked why. I asked her, "Don't you know who Audubon was?" After thinking for a bit, she replied, "Oh, yeah. He's the guy who invented the German freeway system."

Gotta love that difficult child logic!


Going Green
Suz....picturing you doing pig snorts....even more priceless than anything our difficult child's could possibly come up with! Thank you for that visual!!!!! :rofl:


Active Member

I'm with Janet on this one! That was spoken like a true difficult child. I think difficult child should be added to the DSM as a category and diagnosis in itself.


Crazy Cat Lady
I STILL mix up my words, which is embarrassing when one has a very large vocabulary and is already trying to choose language that gets the point across.

Years ago, I needed some Portobello mushrooms and asked the produce clerk where I could find the BORDELLO mushrooms! The clerk was too young to know what a 'bordello' was, but husband nearly keeled over laughing.

I had no idea why husband was having hysterics at all.

by the way, if you have this problem, menopause and Bipolar medications do NOT help it at all. All that did was make it harder for me to dig out words entirely.


Active Member
You know, I do that sort of thing when I am extrememly stressed and under pressure- it's like there is a disconnect between my brain and my mouth sometimes. Obviously, that has not worked in my favor. LOL!


Crazy Cat Lady
I have something called "pressured speech" when I get manicky. The words get mixed up and I'm talking so fast the words stumble on each other. It's like my mind is going so fast that my mouth cannot keep up with it.