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For what it's worth, my easy child 3/difficult child in the making, still uses her "Binki".  We now have limited it to just in her bed.  So, when she is feeling the need for some comfort, she now takes herself to her room and has a few sucks.  LOL!  I agree with Linda's difficult child's dentist, if a child isn't capable of coping, a great smile certainly isn't worth it to me.  I do not allow her to walk around with it, makes me nuts to hear her talk while Binki is in her mouth.  I am sure we are looking at braces in her future, but my olders never took a Binki and they still had to have braces. 

All I can say is, I have no ending date for Jayme's Binki "disappearing", I feel she will just use it less and less and eventually won't need it anymore.  She has enough other issues, if her Binki gives her some comfort, I don't plan on taking that away from her.

Good luck with your decision!


