This is interesting. Definitely very sad as well. (((Hugs)))
Ironically, even though im family oriented yadda yadda…I’ve been in this situation.
My father was extremely abusive to my mother and I. Big time. She died somewhat unexpectedly In her late 40s. He never showed an ounce of remorse for the abuse to her or me. I found it appalling. We became, for the most part estranged. For years I called him Xmas time. I guess I was hoping he might summon up the courage to offer something like an apology. Nope. And as he got older I would ask him if he needed anything. Xmas time. It was a mess. To this day…not offering a sincere apology fir wrongs will bother the heck out of me. He has since passed. No apology on his death bed either.
Flash forward….
Well many of you here know the recent drama trauma with our adult daughter. I was barely holding on…but then she didn’t apologize. And even worse…she was mean and sarcastic toward her dad and I.
W T H?
So, we are largely estranged.
We pay fir her cell phone and help out with medical if needed. She gets some govt assistance.
I don’t know what the future holds.
Our friends often use the word “Herculean” when describing our efforts to help her.
Our friends don’t blame us one bit fir greatly pulling back.
We are not technically “estranged,” but essentially.
Bottom line….never in a gazillion years did I ever think I would find myself in this situation. (S)
Both essentially estranged. Doing the barest of minimum in help / communication.
Families Anonymous helps, although we haven’t been recently and may join an on-line group.
A group within here might be a good idea.
It’s very painful. I’ve , for the most part, come to learn to go with the flow. I can’t change the circumstances as much as I would like to think I can.