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If an elder is mentally competent, he or she can make decisions and it is not considered elder abuse. My 91 year old dad is of sound mind so he has to make all of his own doctor appointments, get his own medical results etc, he doesnt want a poa and is competent.

Thats why I said its up to mom what hapoens. Brother isnt robbing her. If she knows what she is doing, she is willingly giving her money to him. It doesnt sound like he is tricking her into it.

If she spends everything on him then you do what you feel is the best solution. There are inexpensitve apartments for competent seniors that are often adequate. Theb brother eould be on his own. Too bad for him.

In the meantime continue on your life or if you feel brother is abusive try elder abuse. But Mom may be vety angry at you if you do this and may deny she is being abused.

Tough situation. Prayers offered.
