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Ahhhh, the doctors office.  I swear I had to peel his hands off of every chair once his name was called.  Then screaming and kicking.  And the glares.  As if I MAKE him do this.  When he first saw a psychologist he use to climb on the couch, kick me, run out of the room down the hall.  Very verbal towards me.  doctor said very calmly, "does this bother you?"  I was ready to scream.  I took of difficult child shoes because he was kicking and doctor told me it shouldn't bother me, I should ignore it.  We had many rough times.  Sometimes I just wanted to smack him.  But I didn't.  I would leave the house.  Go to neighbors for a few minutes.  Then when I would return it was like nothing happened.

He has gotten so much better.  Still at times, I don't want to claim him. (like baseball yesterday.)  He fumbled the ball for a second and all you could hear was him whining about how he's not going to play anymore, if they lose it is all his fault, he's a bad player, etc. (also, throwing his glove and hat on the ground)  We just ignored him and cheered for everyone else.

So many people have never heard of ODD.  And even if they have heard of it, unless they have personal experience they have no idea.  difficult child is a easy child when at neighbors house.  Always.  But she has seen him in action at our house.

It is nice to have someone acknowledge that there IS such a thing.  People take one day at a time.  With ODD you take one hour at a time.  You never know when that instant will happen.  Enjoy when you can.
