Hi! Sorry I didn't get a chance to post sooner - it's been bedlam around here!
FWIW, I'd go for the IEEE. I'd also notify them by certified letter that you don't agree with their plan of action as well as what you want documented. I'd also make sure that they are aware of whatever documentation you want included in the transcripts forwarded to the new school.
Just a question: is there any way that you can meet with the psychologist/Special Education director at the new school prior to the IEP being completed? If he/she seems reasonable, you may be able to have an unofficial advocate in place. In certain situations, being proactive gets you "in tight" with the newer administration and you're able to be heard without it seeming like you're protecting what this woman seems to feel is the devil incarnate.
Is there any way that you can get letters of recommendation or verbatims from last years teachers? Again, FWIW, I sat down with my two difficult child's that were in the same school and typed out exactly what was being said and done in their school. I documented everything in their words as to what they or their peers were enduring and it pulled a ton of weight in their IEP placement meetings. So what you may want to do, is "interview" his teachers that he had last year and note what they said about him. This way, you can have documentation as to: how he was in class, how they were able to redirect him in certain situations, how his personality "clicked or didn't click" with his peers, etc. This will go a long way in any type of meeting.
Now, here's my question: Do they have a Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) in place for him? If not, certified letter requesting one, and if so, when was it last updated. If that's not being covered in the Triannual, interventions won't be documented for the new school which could result in the new school handling thing in the wrong way.
Gotta go! difficult child 3 just dropped a whole bowl of cereal on the living room rug - she's making me CRAZY!!!! 