Well-Known Member
I don't often come on the site, but whenever I do, the posts I read are filled with wisdom, comfort, and non-judgment. Learning to detach from a my 31 son has been a slow, painful process, but I am determined to save my own life. I am better at setting boundaries, but he occupies so much of my head and my heart, and truthfully I occupy very little of his. He has been difficult for almost 20 years and is in jail awaiting trial that will probably get him 3-6 years. He is a narcissist, very intelligent, but totally lacking insight. He thinks he is above the law and every time he is arrested, which is many, he is always the 'victim.' I have helped him many times financially to no benefit. Now there is an addict girlfriend, a grandchild who has already been in foster care, and he is freaking out. Calls me begging me to pay for a private lawyer, not a public defender, because they're 'useless.' Tells me I am a control freak, selfish, a child, a lousy mother, and I listen to him, I still visit, I still help, but I am beginning to understand that all my helping hasn't helped him, but it has hurt me. His trial is in two weeks. I don't want to go, I don't want to talk to him, I am tired of being blamed, manipulated, and treated badly. I go to twelve step, I pray, I read, I go to therapy. I am doing everything I can to detach. I will keep reading the honest, heartfelt posts here until I get to the place of loving me enough not to betray myself. I told my therapist what hurt most is how my son is unable to see all I've done to help him and to love him. My therapist said that he believed I gave him my love, but for whatever reason, he's not able to receive it. It's his issue, not mine. With appreciation...