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You have certainly come to the right place. The whole gun thing is terribly scary. I hate guns. I would have reported it stolen also. You have to protect yourself. Did you tell the police that you suspect (know) your son took it? I imagine he sold it to buy drugs.

Our son went off the rails at 15 as well but he wasn't able to keep a job as long as your son has.

He is doing well now in a long term faith based program but this is the only thing that worked for him after MANY tries at everything else. My son needed God in his life. His soul was broken.  He had become a stranger to us and we had always been very close.

You may want to get some therapy for yourself to help you deal with this although it sounds as if you are doing well. I do hope your son gets himself together. Our son COULD NOT.  Firm boundaries are really what you need for your sanity and your son needs that also. He is an adult now, as is ours.

Keep posting. Lots of wisdom and compassion to be found here. We.Get.It.
