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No matter how hard you try, some people are just overly sensitive.

The sd can't use lack of funds as a reason not to provide FAPE to your child.

In order to ensure that related services, including transportation, are provided in accordance with a child’s IEP, it is important that the providers be appropriately trained to provide these accommodations, modifications and supports.

Related services from wrightslaw @

From a school district attorney's website:

"...Once a student has been determined eligible for 504 or special education, the committee’s attention shifts to services. Here, districts sometimes face the battle of parents who are

entrenched in beliefs that a particular device (a computer with voice recognition software, for example) is essential for FAPE and must be provided at no cost to parents. (See, for

example, Alief (TX) ISD, 17 IDELR 770 (OCR 1991)(parents unsuccessfully demand computer with voice recognition where data supports finding that other services and devices are appropriate); Letter to Anonymous, 29 IDELR 1089 (OSEP 1997)(parent letter to President Clinton asking how the parent can get federal funds for a computer).

It is important to recognize that the cost of a device or the difficulty of providing a particular service are of no concern to federal law. If the service or device is necessary for FAPE, expense or inconvenience does not matter. Note that OCR has seriously chastised schools where the decision about what services or devices to provide to eligible students is made on the basis of cost and convenience rather that on the basis of proper FAPE considerations."
