difficult child as you will recall came back after moving out in a fit of anger after 4 days. All was going well. He has had the last 4 days off from work and has been staying at a friend's home. Not one of my favorite kids. He has been checking in with me regularly.
Today, he called and said he wants to move in at this kid's house-parents have said it is ok. While I do not think it is a good idea-he is 19 and I cannot stop him. He went home and got his clothes. husband spoke to him and made him relinquish his house key and told him that we are not running a revolving door. He told him that if this doesn't work out for him that he could come over and we would discuss the possibility of his coming back. He said that if we decided he could come home, he would give him his key back. He has blown through a bunch of money lately (graduation gifts) and only has some clothes and my Mother's Day gift to show for it. he eats fast food alot and I know he shares with those who don't have $$. I am concerned that he may be smoking pot.
For once this came without a fit of anger or any real drama, which is a good thing. I am just hurting because I cannot understand why he would want to leave his things, TV, video game, dog, etc. and go to another family's home. Our home is much nicer but I don't think that this kid has many rules. I hate this and hate the fact that I cannot seem to be at peace with this.
I want him to be happy and to succeed but do not feel he is mature and ready enough for this.
If we do allow him to return, which I know he will want to eventually, once again, there will be an agreement drawn up much like the previous one and all will sign it.
Again this did not come with any drama or as a result of his bucking the rules. So.....why can't I be comfortable with it?????