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You are probably right. This is what someone told me…but this particular thing wasn’t from the attorney. So, I will ask.

She is the “real” leased tenant so you would think she could go inside.

The cops did tell my husband HE should NOT go inside unless they (squatters) allow him. I’m not sure if this is right. We have sent questions in to the attorney and this was one.

Hiwever, they (squatters) seem to be purposely triggering her. They know how to push her buttons. And they do insane/scary/triggering  things like put glass in her bed. I can’t imagine what else she would witness going on in there. She is prone to outbursts and bad judgment. HE called the police on HER saying she threatened HIM. And even though he pulled out a knife, the police did not arrest him. He seems like an expert con man. She is clueless.

We asked the lawyer if my husband could go in with a police escort.

The police were called by a neighbor the other night because they heard the woman squatter screaming. The HOA president was looking from afar. The woman showed the cops the notice of eviction that had been placed on the door. Can you guess why? What a very weird thing to do…right? He couldn’t hear them speak…but he (hoa president) thought it strange too.
