LauraH, I have followed your posts for a while and was so happy when things looked better for your son, I am so sorry that things have taken an off turn but I pray that soon he will gather himself and get back on track. Sometimes it looks and sounds so horrible that we can't believe what is going on yet our children find a way to make it ok again. I am glad you are there for your son's boyfriend, being on the receiving end of horrible behavior can cause a person to think about suicide . I too would comfort my daughter's boyfriends because I know the damage her behavior can cause. There were many times I was more concerned with my daughter's boyfriends then with her, so I understand where you are coming from, you are not siding against him, you are siding against his wrongdoing and hurting innocent people, you are on the RIGHT side. I cannot side with my daughter when she leaves such a trail of destruction. I am sure if your son gets cold enough he will find a warm place to stay. I am so sorry for all the worry and grief you are experiencing. I just prayed a prayer of peace for you, a deep peace.