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Thanks, all.  Crayola and DoneDad have summed up the "grandparents raising grandkids" scenario so well - we are definitely not prepared for that.

AND IT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT - Totally unannounced, Daughter arrived on doorstep, complete with fiancé.  While it was wonderful to see her (been 3 years for me and 6 for hubby), I could immediately feel the dread and uneasiness seeping through my body.  The boyfriend is nice - he did not contradict any of her stories with regard to hospital stay, pregnancy, etc.  However, my guard is really up when I heard that he has left his job and apartment behind (fully furnished, etc.). They loaded what they needed into his car and drove 1500 miles to our place.  Her timelines are bizarre.  Not sure she had "time" to get pregnant between her hospitalization and his hospitalization (she's only been in the country for 19 days. She stated boyfriend does not have money but that she does (last week she said she had hardly any money).  Lots of "MY baby" comments.  I reminded her that there are 2 parents involved here.  Not even sure if she is pregnant - if she is, its going to be an extremely long 9 months.

So, against my better judgment and boundaries I thought were set in stone, they are being allowed to stay a couple of days to visit.  She is always good for a week visit, so a few days should be doable.  We will have the "family BBQ" on the weekend, so she/they can announce whatever news they wish to share.  Then they can be on their way.  They are not being given a house key and will need to be out of the house when hubby and I are not there.

I was happy to see her and hug her but now I am anxious and on edge.  Wish us luck.
