Well-Known Member
out of my world at 4:30 am. I woke up to difficult child screaming and crying---"I don't know what happened." He had tried to attack pcdaughter while she was sleeping. She apparently woke up and punched him and got him away from her. He swears he was not awake---he has had incidents of sleepwalking in the past, but he's also attacked her in the past on purposeI don't know whether to believe him or not. easy child has said to kick him out or she has to find somewhere else to live. My world has crumbled...
He was doing so well for so long! There has been no inkling that this would happen. Oh God! Please reach out and help us through this!
He was doing so well for so long! There has been no inkling that this would happen. Oh God! Please reach out and help us through this!