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I do not know anything about the program you are talking about, but my husband and I have had this conversation before.  Me, there is not a single doubt in my mind that I have NO regrets about children.  I have a son and a daughter, and even if I knew ahead of time what was in store for us, I would do it all again in a second because the joy has so outweighed the pain.  My life growing up was sometimes very sad and I did not have the closeness with my parents (although I did with my paternal GM) that I have with my children and having them has been the highlight of my life.  I feel like I have missed nothing having children, in fact I have gained a lot.  Now, there have been days.....!!!  Saying all that, if I knew ahead of time what we would face I would definitely make some huge changes in parenting once high school hit.  We never had any issues with either child till son's Sr. yr/daughter's Soph. yr when son had a car, etc.  We were way too trusting because we had never had problems with either child, knew their friends and parents, but had NO IDEA what they were hiding.  I would be absolutely harder about curfews, knowing for a fact if other parents were going to be home and not out to dinner, etc., when they were spending the night, etc.  Regarding my daughter (the difficult child), especially, I would be her MOTHER, NOT HER FRIEND!!  I had no closeness with my mother and way overcompensated and got too involved in my daughter's life and became too "friendy" when she needed a mother.  I'm not saying there has not been pain that has brought us to our knees and nights and nights of crying/worry, but the joy has been so much greater.
