My husband made me watch a clip on Bambi where Thumper's mom tells him if he does not have anything good to say to not say anything at all.
My daughter came over for Easter. She looked tired, over weight, restless and was grouchy. My nerves were on edge so I exploded hard on her about her stupid senseless relationship with her boyfriend. I know better. I have studied hard on how to deal with this and the top advice is to not say anything bad about the boyfriend because it will push her more over to him. I could not keep my mouth shut. One of my neighbors, a woman a little younger than my daughter had met my daughters boyfriend at a resturant and told me what a creep she thought he was. She said he was creepy and disrespectful and then felt sorry that she just blurted that out to me. I agreed of course. I told my daughter that once I would like someone to tell me something nice about him but everyone I know tells me they think he is creepy.
So for Easter I told her again how disappointed I was in her selection, what a rude and creepy person I thought he was and why the 'H' is she with such a creep... And then I remember she is not a walk in the park either. She is not good for him and he is not good for her. They both can't see this. My gut feeling tells me he is in love with his ex. Call it mother intuition. My daughter is getting the ex's left overs.
So I realize this is her path not mine, her business, not mine but it becomes my business sometimes, and I need to not say anything about her boyfriend. I need to practice what Thumpers mom told him. My husband can deal with it much better than I can.. He knows that nothing I can say and do will change her. I should know better anyway since she has ODD. Geez.