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GoingNorth, I'm glad that you found things that work for you.  Maybe you were willing and open to trying things to feel better.  Small baby steps at first led to small changes. And those probably led to bigger changes.

I have tried to help my DGD (now 22) and she has refused all help since she turned 18.  She has anxiety and depression.  Also bipolar.  medications would help.  I've helped her make Appts, get medications, paid for medications, only to have her never take them! I've also picked up her birth control patches (4 months ago!) and she's never put on a patch!

I love her, but I can't always be around her.  She gets verbally abusive and blames me for all her disappointments.   I'm not the reason she has these struggles.  Until she wants something to change, it will not change.     Ksm
