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difficult child had a rough therapy session this a.m. The therapist read him the riot act again, and told difficult child to quit rubbing his hands all over his face, to sit up straight, quit texting, make eye contact, and pay attention. He said he's too old for this kind of garbage and the impression he's giving people is that he doesn't give a r&t's *** and if he ever hopes to get a job with-that attitude and body language, he can forget it.

therapist asked me to leave the room, which I did, and read magazines while therapist set things straight.

When I went back to the room, difficult child was sitting up straight, made eye contact, and gave yes and no answers. Woo hoo!

8 hrs later, we had an appointment with-psychiatrist. Unfortunate timing, but sometimes it works out that way.

We talked about difficult child being very rude and moody and being generally an angry boy, immediately assuming the worst, lashing out verbally (an improvement from physically, but the urge is still there), and black and white thinking that makes it impossible to carry on a conversation with him.

It seems like he's backsliding.

difficult child had a fit and said he has done his best and that he is clearly not wanted and can't get his act together fast enough not to get kicked out.

Say what? He's the one who's always telling us that he hates us and wants to move out!

He's stuck on something in his head, and I told him not to catastrophize ... for example if we tell him he's too old to tinkle on the toilet seat, not flush, and not wash his hands, it's simply a task to learn, not a reason to move out, although combined with-all the other stuff, particularly the meanness and attitude, we have considered an Residential Treatment Center (RTC).T

He started to cry and said he was trying his best but that this was the best he could do. The psychiatrist asked him why he thought that was the best and he said that's just the way he is and it takes him yrs to make changes.

(Not true.)

difficult child got so angry that he was yelling and the dr told him he could not yell in his office. difficult child yelled,

"I don't CARE!"

The psychiatrist got a good dose of the other side of difficult child today.

The dr said that the Abilify isn't doing what he had hoped it would do, and he is thinking about lithium.

I told him there were no manic episodes and he said it does not only have to be used for bipolar; it can be used for other mood issues.

husband is dead set against that. Honestly, all I could think of is my slim, athletic teenager ballooning into the size of a float in the Macy's Day Parade, with-glazed eyes. T

hen again, some days, that may be better than living with-a snarly, po'd smelly kid whose favorite words are "NO!" "Shut up!" and "Get OUT of my ROOM!"

The psychiatrist is going to talk to the therapist and see if he is missing anything but he said he hasn't seen any real changes in behavior in the last yr and a half.

psychiatrist must have scared difficult child because when we left, he held open the door for me, and when we got home, I brought him some lemonade and he said "Thank you."
