New Member
So husband and I went to the Department of Juvenile Justice office today. We were informed that the services we requested and were DENIED, had actually been implimentd 5 1/2 hours away from our home. We wanted a residential program that could allow a re-unfication of our family with therapy and other people, and we could slowing bring him back into the home. They told us this was not an option. We proceeded to call DSS, and they were more than willing to get involved, but Department of Juvenile Justice wouldn't contact them. He was removed from the boot camp program on 6/5 and has been n a theraputic foster home without our knowledge over 5 1/2 hours away. Of course being a large family we do not have the means to drive that far for visits, and now the therapists here can not work with him prior to him returning to our home. They have said "We bought you another month, now get it together. He is with a loving christian family, and he got himself a job." Now: 1. Someone hired him to work for 30 days???? 2.There is no way family re-unification can work from 5 1/2 hours away 3.What is "buying" us another month when we are scared due to violent episodes? 4. How does someone take a child you have custody for 5 1/2 hours away without your knowledge 5. We still don't know exactly where he is at and have no way to contact him. UUUGGGGHHHHH I am so exhausted, and now worried. This Department of Juvenile Justice worker seems to be over stepping her reach, and has no concern for what would be in the best interest of all parties involved. She also talked to his biological mother (whom gave up her rights to me) and told her "I got him a job." Well I had gotten him a job to, but he chose to not go to work and hang out in the street. These people keep making us feel like horrible people, when we do love and care about him, but just can not handle his violence. Oh well, I am about to retain an attorney and flat out file a law suit against the great State of South Carollina!