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I am giving up. 

I dont think its going to matter what I do and now I think his father is feeling sorry for him.  Im not putting in the restraining order even though that was his fathers idea in the first place.  He wanted one but now he wants to know why I wont accept his phone calls.  Ugh.  His dad wants me to go make sure his car is brought home from where it was left when they arrested him even though I have no means of transportation myself!  And lets not forget the car is illegal as hell. 

The place it is at is wanting it I have to figure out how to go get it today.  His dad "doesnt want him to lose it because then he wont even have the car to sleep in"...ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!

Hello...can we not remember that Cory would have sold our car if he could have figured out how to do it? 

Oh well...I have tried.  I swear, I think I am going to move myself out of this place when I ever get my disability and find a small subsidized apartment.  No one will find me.
