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It was my late husband, Lloyd, who used to ruin vacations.  He couldn't stand waiting to eat or traveling or staying in a hotel room.  I believed that we should travel a little with the kids in order to expose them to new places, but it was a challenge.

One year I planned a trip to Luray Caverns.  Lloyd couldn't handle being in the same hotel room with the kids.  They were too noisy, I guess.  We had a nice time viewing the caverns, but Lloyd threw a tantrum in the hotel room.  We may have returned early.  I can't quite remember.

There was another time when Lloyd took Ferb to the beach.  I took Candy to visit a friend in North Carolina instead.  Lloyd telephoned me in a panic about one day into the trip.  He was staying with his extended family in a large beach house.  The other family members had teenagers at the time,  and they stayed up all night.  Lloyd was furious with ME for not warning him that teenagers would be noisy.  D'oh!  Why did he think I didn't want to go?  He ended up leaving the beach early to return home, because he "couldn't take it anymore."  Ferb stayed at the beach house with his cousins and had a blast.

The last bad vacation was a trip that I planned well.  We went to the beach at the same time as all his family, but I had rented a little condo away from the big, noisy beach house.  Lloyd had his own bedroom to himself.  The kids and I slept in the second bedroom.  Lloyd spend the whole week cloistered alone in his dark room.  The kids and I had fun during the day with everyone, and I was able to get them to sleep at a reasonable time in the evening.

bluebell, please go and enjoy your vacation.  Don't let someone else's issues cloud your enjoyment.
