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I am going to say something here that may seem off the wall. First, a disclaimer. Of course school performance and academic achievement are important. But they are not everything. These schools want the kids to conform *and so do we. Of course that makes sense. But there is also the concept of thriving, of discovering and nourishing  talents, and passions, too. And finding adaptive and constructive and self-initiated ways to modulate our emotions, and to direct our behavior and attention.

ADD and ADHD can be adaptive too. These kids are our dreamers, our inventors, our explorers. That may be one reason that the USA has such a high incidence in the population. We are a nation of dreamers, inventors, explorers, movers and shakers.

Does your daughter (and son too) have interest in sports, art, music, animals, nature, spirituality, etc. that can cultivate and focus interest and energy in such a way that she/ne will grow themselves?

Believe me, I am not downing psychiatric medications. Only trying to look at the whole child, whole person.
