Susan, right now he just needs to detox, and he doesn't seem ready or he wouldn't want to live with crackhead family. His other diagnoses won't get better or doubt you can even tell where the drug addiction starts and the mental illness starts while somebody is a user. How can you tell if a person is bipolar if they are using drugs? It's impossible to tell if the person is moodswinging because of drugs or his own brain chemistry.
Right now I don't see signs that your son is ready or willing to do this. It's not easy and you can't do it for him. Everyone recovers alone. You can lend support, but the torment of actually going through withdrawals can't be shared. And the person must be very very motivated in order to actually go through with it. (((Hugs))) Don't wait for the next crisis. Go on with your life and take that next crisis in stride, if you can. You know it will happen. Don't put YOUR life on hold anymore. IF he goes to jail, well, he'll have to detox, one good thing.