I've talked some about leaky gut & most of you probably think I'm crazy. Most of the medical population does. Just thought I'd type from a book because that may explain it better. This is for those who are interested in food allergies and chemical
allergies & how they affect behavior. I hope this also ties together the posts regarding immune system dysfunction, the various diets (elimination & Feingold & Whole Foods), and helps explain why many people can improve through diet & lifestyle.
Here goes: Excerpts from "Saving Yourself from the Disease-Care Crisis" by Walt Stoll, MD. This book can be ordered on Amazon through Abbey's website.
"The lining of the intestinal tract replaces itself every 14 hrs on average (stomach, twelve hours; small intestine, 14 hrs & colon, eighteen hours). That's one reason there is more blood needed by the intestinal tract, while it is resting, than any other
organ system at rest. Since you don't need your gut to fight or flight, one of the first places compromised by a chronic build-up of stress (fight or flight) is the intestinal tract. Eventually, the intestinal lining will no longer do its job perfectly. If you have been stressed up for a long time, your intestinal tract will be chronically starved for blood and the lining will start to funciton imperfectly. This makes the ecology of your colon much more
susceptible to the growth of disease-causing
organisims, like candida and other parasites, which then damage the lining even further. The stage is then set for the condition known as "leaky gut syndrome".
Notice that inside your intestinal tract is really outside your body, just as inside your mouth is really outside your body. You must go throught the lining of your mouth to get inside your body. Things from the outside world travel through the tube from mouth to anus. The function of the lining of that tube is to break down those substances into particles that are so
simple that, when absorbed, they can no longer be identified by our immune system as having come from something outside our body. For proteins, which are the basis for most of these reactions, that means being broken down into amino acids, which are the
building blocks of protein. A few amino acids left hooked together are called peptides. Peptides are the simplest things that our immune system can determine to have come from something other than ourselves. The normal intestinal lining allows no peptides to pass into the blood.
Your immune system sees the world in black & white; if it is you, it is not supposed to attach, and if it is not you, it is supposed to attack. The only way we have to take things from the outside world and convert
them into our own tissue (without our immune system going crazy) is for the intestinall lining to do its job very well. Leakage of imperfectly digested proteins (peptides) through an imcompetent intestinal lining is now know to be the most common cause of all
environmental sensitivities.
Many of the systemps of intestinal irritation are treated as separate diagnoses, include colitis, irritable bowel syndrom, Crohn's disease, malabsorption, and celiac disease (sprue). Many times it is the immunological reaction, going on at the site of the leakage, that causes the symptoms. Frequently, the imbalance in the normal flora of the gut aggravates the problem by increasing the damage to the lining and allows more toxic products to be
absorbed into the system.
The real damage takes place once our antibodies (our immune system function) get hold of those peptides in our own tissues that match what was leaked. Our antibodies start attacking the leaked substances."
"To improve the quality of the intestinal lining so that there isn't so much leakage is for the patient to learn an effective relaxation response and practice it 20 minutes twice a day for the rest of their lives. In the meantime, one can improve the function of the gut somewhat by taking the correct digestive enzymes (what the gut should be making for itself), replacing
the normal colonic bacteria (acidolplus or probiotic), shortening the transit time for a substance to go from the mouth through the gut, and out the anus), and treating any parasites (which aggravate the leaks, and
have set up housekeeping in the gut). The normal gut create conditions that prevent the abnormal organisms (candida yeast & others) from becoming established. However, once the wrong organisms are established,
restoring the normal bacteria will not get rid of the baddies.
The leaky gut makes the effects of environmental pollutants more dangerous as well. Since humans have not had enough time to evolve a way to digest chemicals that have been invented by man (preservatives, additives, chemicals in air, etc.) the
main way they get into us is by leakage. A leaky gut allows a larger percentage to get into the individual than a healthy gut would."
Okay, this is from me
. This is why I believe that in some of our difficult children medications work for a month & then stop. They start getting through the leaky gut, & then the body starts fighting the medications.
Another excerpt regarding carbonated beverages:
"Over 50 yrs ago, the veterinans became awar of a corollary to "the stable criminal syndrome"
in relationship to horses. Sometimes a horse would simply go crazy all of a sudden. Since there was no cure for the condition, the horse had to be destroyed.
This costs the horse breeders a lot of money. It was finally discovered that if an animal became deficient in magnesium, it took only a small dose of phosphorus to trigger a killing frenzy. Since grain has a lot of phosphorus, the usual way horses were fed, made this happen. All anyone had to do was to be sure the animal did not become low in magnesium. Of course, some animals were more susceptible than others to this yndrome, but, now that the cause was known, that could be managed.
The average citizen in this country is low in
magnesium. Since magnesium is one of the main things removed from foods when they are refined & the percentage of refined foods in our diets has increased over the past 100 yrs, the result was inevitable. Refined foods, and especially soft drinks
, are very high in phosphorus. Considering the diet of today's teenagers, is it any wonder that the children most susceptible to the "stable criminal syndrome" are now finally showing up in our statistics?
When brain chemistry is altered, there are no thoughts of consequences.
I have seen the results of altering the diet of my patients with learning disabilities, behavior problems (including hyperactivity) and delinquency. The changes are dramatic & immediate (within 2 weeks) if the changes are done right.
There are many books on this subject from nationally known physicians, Doris Rapp MD, (Is this your Child?), William Crook, MD (The Yeast Connection); Lendon Smith, MD (Feed Yourself Right); Dr. Richard Passwater (Supernutrition) and Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD(
Mental and Elemental Nutrients)."
Okay, I'm sorry this is so long, but I thought there was enough interest on the board to post it & this is the easiest to understand explanation I could find. There are many other studies and many other books that go into all this in greater detail. However, one thing that I think you should think about is:
Diet, exercise, and relaxation cannot be patented. Pharmaceutical companies cannot make money on diet, exercise, & relaxation. There will be no double blind studies done by those companies if they cannot make money on it. Doctors today will tell you to reduce
stress, get exercise & eat properly. What is
properly? I've tried to help you with the relaxation techniques, the diet is basically removing all the junk food & preservatives & trying to eat whole, organic foods, and we all know what exercise is. Your child may still need medications (mine does) but the body
will be able to absorb those medications better so that you can use less medications and this is true of any illness, not just mental health issues.
Please order these books if you are interested in learning more about Candida yeast, leaky gut, healthy eating, and exercise.
I have seen my childs opposition improve by doing these things. He isn't a easy child, but he is MUCH closer to being a easy child. He may always need medication, but he will need much less & have a happier life than he would have if I had not done these things.
I love these smiles!
difficult child 7 yrs old. medications since 4.5 yrs.
[This message has been edited by strawberryisland (edited 01-02-2000).]
allergies & how they affect behavior. I hope this also ties together the posts regarding immune system dysfunction, the various diets (elimination & Feingold & Whole Foods), and helps explain why many people can improve through diet & lifestyle.
Here goes: Excerpts from "Saving Yourself from the Disease-Care Crisis" by Walt Stoll, MD. This book can be ordered on Amazon through Abbey's website.
"The lining of the intestinal tract replaces itself every 14 hrs on average (stomach, twelve hours; small intestine, 14 hrs & colon, eighteen hours). That's one reason there is more blood needed by the intestinal tract, while it is resting, than any other
organ system at rest. Since you don't need your gut to fight or flight, one of the first places compromised by a chronic build-up of stress (fight or flight) is the intestinal tract. Eventually, the intestinal lining will no longer do its job perfectly. If you have been stressed up for a long time, your intestinal tract will be chronically starved for blood and the lining will start to funciton imperfectly. This makes the ecology of your colon much more
susceptible to the growth of disease-causing
organisims, like candida and other parasites, which then damage the lining even further. The stage is then set for the condition known as "leaky gut syndrome".
Notice that inside your intestinal tract is really outside your body, just as inside your mouth is really outside your body. You must go throught the lining of your mouth to get inside your body. Things from the outside world travel through the tube from mouth to anus. The function of the lining of that tube is to break down those substances into particles that are so
simple that, when absorbed, they can no longer be identified by our immune system as having come from something outside our body. For proteins, which are the basis for most of these reactions, that means being broken down into amino acids, which are the
building blocks of protein. A few amino acids left hooked together are called peptides. Peptides are the simplest things that our immune system can determine to have come from something other than ourselves. The normal intestinal lining allows no peptides to pass into the blood.
Your immune system sees the world in black & white; if it is you, it is not supposed to attach, and if it is not you, it is supposed to attack. The only way we have to take things from the outside world and convert
them into our own tissue (without our immune system going crazy) is for the intestinall lining to do its job very well. Leakage of imperfectly digested proteins (peptides) through an imcompetent intestinal lining is now know to be the most common cause of all
environmental sensitivities.
Many of the systemps of intestinal irritation are treated as separate diagnoses, include colitis, irritable bowel syndrom, Crohn's disease, malabsorption, and celiac disease (sprue). Many times it is the immunological reaction, going on at the site of the leakage, that causes the symptoms. Frequently, the imbalance in the normal flora of the gut aggravates the problem by increasing the damage to the lining and allows more toxic products to be
absorbed into the system.
The real damage takes place once our antibodies (our immune system function) get hold of those peptides in our own tissues that match what was leaked. Our antibodies start attacking the leaked substances."
"To improve the quality of the intestinal lining so that there isn't so much leakage is for the patient to learn an effective relaxation response and practice it 20 minutes twice a day for the rest of their lives. In the meantime, one can improve the function of the gut somewhat by taking the correct digestive enzymes (what the gut should be making for itself), replacing
the normal colonic bacteria (acidolplus or probiotic), shortening the transit time for a substance to go from the mouth through the gut, and out the anus), and treating any parasites (which aggravate the leaks, and
have set up housekeeping in the gut). The normal gut create conditions that prevent the abnormal organisms (candida yeast & others) from becoming established. However, once the wrong organisms are established,
restoring the normal bacteria will not get rid of the baddies.
The leaky gut makes the effects of environmental pollutants more dangerous as well. Since humans have not had enough time to evolve a way to digest chemicals that have been invented by man (preservatives, additives, chemicals in air, etc.) the
main way they get into us is by leakage. A leaky gut allows a larger percentage to get into the individual than a healthy gut would."
Okay, this is from me

Another excerpt regarding carbonated beverages:
"Over 50 yrs ago, the veterinans became awar of a corollary to "the stable criminal syndrome"

This costs the horse breeders a lot of money. It was finally discovered that if an animal became deficient in magnesium, it took only a small dose of phosphorus to trigger a killing frenzy. Since grain has a lot of phosphorus, the usual way horses were fed, made this happen. All anyone had to do was to be sure the animal did not become low in magnesium. Of course, some animals were more susceptible than others to this yndrome, but, now that the cause was known, that could be managed.
The average citizen in this country is low in
magnesium. Since magnesium is one of the main things removed from foods when they are refined & the percentage of refined foods in our diets has increased over the past 100 yrs, the result was inevitable. Refined foods, and especially soft drinks

When brain chemistry is altered, there are no thoughts of consequences.
I have seen the results of altering the diet of my patients with learning disabilities, behavior problems (including hyperactivity) and delinquency. The changes are dramatic & immediate (within 2 weeks) if the changes are done right.
There are many books on this subject from nationally known physicians, Doris Rapp MD, (Is this your Child?), William Crook, MD (The Yeast Connection); Lendon Smith, MD (Feed Yourself Right); Dr. Richard Passwater (Supernutrition) and Carl Pfeiffer, MD, PhD(
Mental and Elemental Nutrients)."
Okay, I'm sorry this is so long, but I thought there was enough interest on the board to post it & this is the easiest to understand explanation I could find. There are many other studies and many other books that go into all this in greater detail. However, one thing that I think you should think about is:
Diet, exercise, and relaxation cannot be patented. Pharmaceutical companies cannot make money on diet, exercise, & relaxation. There will be no double blind studies done by those companies if they cannot make money on it. Doctors today will tell you to reduce
stress, get exercise & eat properly. What is
properly? I've tried to help you with the relaxation techniques, the diet is basically removing all the junk food & preservatives & trying to eat whole, organic foods, and we all know what exercise is. Your child may still need medications (mine does) but the body
will be able to absorb those medications better so that you can use less medications and this is true of any illness, not just mental health issues.
Please order these books if you are interested in learning more about Candida yeast, leaky gut, healthy eating, and exercise.
I have seen my childs opposition improve by doing these things. He isn't a easy child, but he is MUCH closer to being a easy child. He may always need medication, but he will need much less & have a happier life than he would have if I had not done these things.

difficult child 7 yrs old. medications since 4.5 yrs.
[This message has been edited by strawberryisland (edited 01-02-2000).]