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Tired, my daughter was never out on the street. I never could have put my kids in the streets UNLESS they were a danger to any of us .

When Bart got difficult his father took him. My daughter went to live with a very tough brother. We didnt give her a dime and he forced her to work, clean.the house, cook and not only no drugs but no cigarettes (she quit!) Or he WOULD have put her out. She cared enough about herself to do everything he said. Thus she quit, and never went back.

I am softhearted, really. If I see somene holding up a homeless sign I have to give, even though I know it may not be used right. Or I buy them groceries. But I cant just walk by. I cant and dont

We have been foster parents and three of our beloved children are adopted and the one with autism was given to us in an emergency because nobody would take him and he risked ending up in a residential center as a baby.

We are so blessed he is our son!! His exceeded his prognosis. The birthmothet had been a drug addict and he had been born with crack in his system and also needed emergency open heart surgery.

 He came to us at two and has been healthy! Then we went too far and adopted an elevin year old boy who acted nice to our face but abused our babies. Badly. Think the worst.

We learned you cant help everyone. He is gone. We never tried to expand our family again and learned that love and kindness doesnt help everyone, child or adult.

My BFF who diead at 50 of cancer took in many needy people but stopped after being constantly robbed.

This year we adopted a rescue dog and spent thousands on the little man's surgery and we love him to the moon.

We care about those in need.

But I still will not let my grown child abuse me. If I feel so uncomfortable that someone has to move out it will not be me or my husband.

There  are places to go. If they wont go there, that then beqcomes their choice as able bodied adults. But I expect civility. And I had a very rough start in life as did my autiistc son. Both of us worked hard to overcome it. Anyone can. Yes its hard .

I wont live forever. I want the peace of knowing that my kids are able to care for themselves when that day comes.

And I dont feel any of us should put up with abuse. Our adult kids, if disabled, can get SSI or SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid, Section 8, foodshare,  a case manager and services for part or full time employment, and we even have free cabs here if you are on Disability.

All this helps my autistic son and many of his buddies to be independent . My son has a two bedroom apartment, big and nice for 1/3 of his income .He pays no utilities. Subsidized housing. No, its not in a bad neighborhood. He is five minutes from us. He loves it.

If you are not disabled in my opinion you should work. Low income qualifies you for most services too. They better learn how to use adult services if they wont work because again we can't live forever and we never know what tormorow will bring.

Living with us to me doesnt teach them how to live without us. There are 50 year old men living in Mom's basement. But now Mom is 80. What next?

And how bad were Mom's golden years dealing with 50 year old Junior who still abuses her?

I have a very soft heart....too soft. But I do look at the big picture and I also love myself too and put up boundaries.

I cant fix anyone but myself. Nobody can. They choose their lives. One can always do better. But we cant male them do better.

Anyhow, this is just how I think and feel. We are all different. I dont judge just hope everyone can find their way to peace and harmony. I did and its great :)


