Hi all, thanks for your thoughtful replies.
Susiestar, I have read some about sensory disorder. This fits. He tends to be temperature sensitive--gets hot really easily. Forgot about that one. And doesnt like touching 'gross' things...for instance he likes oranges but wont peel them because his hands would get sticky. I know he sounds like a 5 year old.
Pracepta, yes, unfortunately you are correct. I guess ive let this happen because he WORE ME DOWN. AND OUT. When he wants something he is simply relentless. He will not take a simple NO for an answer. I AM working on this one though, but man its hard. Not hard to say no, but hard to follow through because he is...tenascious...determined...?
Lil, yes from what ive read your son sounds a lot like mine. Iasked him yesterday if he is trying to break me but thats what it feels like sometimes. He said no. Everyday more drama. Last night was a text at 2:36 a.m. to pick him up a friends where he was spending the night. Because he was hot. I did not, my phone was on silent so I didnt see the text till morning.. He knows i had to work today. I will work on having him evaluated. I will work on those feeling of guilt, too. Thank you!
Jabber, he did smoke it at home before and he tried to be sneaky but it was sooo obvious (rolled up towel under door) . No signs currently that hes smoking at home, but its possible....