I think Mikey is right because the timing of this thread could not have been more right on. Do I love my son? Yes. Do I want to spend anymore time with him than is absolutely necessary right now? Nope. It's always our fault if they don't get their way, we're supposed to entertain them at all times, they can piddle around when we ask them to do something but when they ask us to do something we're just supposed to drop everything and jump.
I'm just so tired of feeling like this towards my child. I know there are things out of his control but there is a alot that is within his control if he would put some honest effort into his own life. THAT'S what gets me. He has no desire to put any effort whatsoever into his own life but yet wants the freedoms that come with getting older. Yet he does't/won't realize that you have to earn those freedoms. People tell me that it's only one more year till he's 18. Yes but what does that mean? He's still not going to be prepared to live on his own. He's not willing to do what he needs to do so where does that leave us all? Once he's 18 are we just supposed to toss him out of the boat and see if he sinks or swims? More than likely he's going to sink and when that happens, it will be our fault once again. But when I think about him living with us for another two or three years I just shut down. People don't understand when I say I just want my life back. I'm not talking about the freedoms that come with no kids in the house. I'm talking about things like being able to leave my belongings lying around MY house and not have to worry about them being destroyed or taken. I'm talking about being able to live in my own home and not have to use the deadbolt on my bedroom door.......NORMAL things that a lot of parents take for granted.
Sorr about that little rant. Lately it has all just seemed to build up and there's nothing I can really do about it.