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  • Thanks Terry! I'll be sure to tell him :)

    Yeah, I always have a hard time picking out colors! LOL! Hope your eyes recover!
    Whoa. I am now totally blind.
    This is incredible.
    Anyway, Happy birthday, difficult child!
    Yeah! How 'bout those crazy colors? I really should clean this up a bit... but then, it's rather reflective of my life... psychaedelic ya know ;)

    The chicks have just about outgrown their 10 gallon aquarium and have moved into my bathtub! husband is busy working on a run for them. I asked for something simple that I could move easily around the yard... three feet hight, three or four feet wide, and maybe 6 or eight feet long. What does he decide to build? The friggin' Taj Mahal! Because HE wants to be able to stand up in it! Ummm... where's the door, dear? (No plans for a door). DOH!
    Hi, How is your husband doing? Love your page.... Reminds me of myspace, Lol!!! Anyway, I tried to get in with Dr Kim out of UCI for my son Christopher. They said that he would have to be seen through the Neuro clinic. I did have an appointment for this clinic set for today but cancelled yesterday. Had some medical drama starting last Fri when Christopher got all out of control laughing (Listening to Mark and Brian) and ummmm pulled his G-Tube out completely. Yikes!!!! 3 different hospitals starting from Fri night to include going to UCI arriving at 1:15 AM and leaving at around 9:30 AM. We only went there because they said that they could hook us up with a GI Dr through the ER (NOT!!!!) Never happened. They placed a temporary tube and after 4 x-rays said that the tube was in place. Yea right!!! Got him home on Sat and went to go push his medications and I could not push nothing at all or even pull out anything but air. Anyway I pretty much was up for more then 24 hours and went to the third hospital closer (Mind you the second one in our area) to where we live and they had no problem placing the G-Tube although they did admit him overnight on Sat. (I took a sterile Mic-Key button with us). It was just unbelievable that I had to go through all of that just to get this yube placed. Anyway I decided to just go with the GI Dr at the hospital that ended up placing the G-Tube and I am going to look into getting a Neurologist at the same place so I have no idea as of yet who it will be. I just want one on one for my sons care, Not clinic status unless we have no choice. UCI has issues with Christophers Ins. He was being seen through CHOC by Dr Elbalalesy. Dr E was awesome but he does not take care of adults (Darn it!!) He was the one that put Christopher on the Keppra and then later the Trileptal. I saw no change in Christopher when he started taking the Trileptal at all. He basically put Chris on it so that he would have something to increase should he start having break through seizures. He was already at his max with the Keppra. The plan is to eventually wean him from the Keppra. My son has never been on the Lamictal. Keppra so far has been the only one that caused a change in his demeaner. OMG!!! He was a crab, Like mad at the world all the time crab. Whew, Those days are over though. As for his Neurosurgeon, You have probably heard of him and he does adult care as well and is the head of Neuroscience for CHOC Hospital Dr Muhonen. Hes awesome and has a great team of doctors that work along with him. Let me know if you want his #. Geeze, You and your husband have gone circles, Have'nt you? I have been there done that with Chris as well, Took me a long time to finally get what I thought to be the perfect team of doctors together that actually worked together as a team to better benefit the care that he needed. It was nice knowing that for the most part the doctors were all on the same page. Getting to many opinions can really be confusing as to what treatment avenue would be more beneficial to the individual patient. Would it by chance be Butler at UCI (Surgeon) Its a teaching hospital so I could see why they would want to go to the extreme but I am glad that you have chosen not to. I would not want to be anybodys test rat. My difficult child had her thyroidectomy at UCI this past Feb. Prior to the surgery I had asked the surgeon if he sees that any part of her thyroid is viable would he still elect to take the whole thyroid and he said yes. Hmmmmm, I know that there is a possibility of a reaccurring mass but being put on medications even if it was a partial thyroidectomy would have possibly prevented a reaccurrance. My difficult child wanted to be done with it though and they took the whole thyroid.

    You are in my prayers girl, I am hoping that your husband does well with the medication change. Thank god he has you.
    Gawd, I am sooo blond sometimes - I just happened to notice the little notification button and went hmmmm, whats that?? LOL I obviously have not checked out all of the new offerings on the site but thanks for the add :)
    Yep, that's her alright! Ain't she a beaut? Still one little bald spot on the back of her head from the rowdy rooster gang bangers she used to hang out with...
    IS THAT HERBERT? SHE's CLUCKIN' GEORGEOUS. (do not say that around your kids)
    Honestly Janet, it reminds me of Pepto-Bismol and a nasty hangover! I'm gonna change them soon... I promise!
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