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  1. PennyFromTheBlock

    Greetings everyone!

    I was drawn to this site this morning (I haven't posted since 2019!) but wanted to share some information and send good vibes to all of you. Quick Recap: I raised my kids alone, never married, and have two- a 32 yo daughter and a 29 yo son. Son is my chaotic child. I moved 100 miles away...
  2. PennyFromTheBlock

    Round and Round we go....where we stop nobody knows....

    I apologize in advance for only seeming to come here when I need something- or help, or just someone to tell me it will all be o.k. somehow. It feels so selfish. Quick update: Daughter still doing well. No issues there. Son still who he is. Different day, the same story. His life is both...
  3. PennyFromTheBlock

    Just help me understand

    I've been a part of this group off and on for about 4 years. You guys have helped me more than I could ever say- Things even out between myself and my son - and I walk away from the encouragement and help for two reasons: 1. I believe there are others who need it more than me, and why...
  4. PennyFromTheBlock

    And the beat goes on.....learning to deal with my son

    Hey all! I haven't written in a very long time. So much has been going on, and I wish I had walked through some of this fire with you guys to help me along the way- even if just to tell me that it's OK. Brief recap: Son (24) is the child that makes me absolutely weep in frustration, in...
  5. PennyFromTheBlock

    Long time no see!

    I've been away- trying to take my bits of normalcy as they come and not dwell on it and overthink things. I've become overwhelmed and have 'backslid' in my quest to repeat over and over "my son is an adult who makes decisions- his choices, his consequences". To recap- my son has a 19 month old...
  6. PennyFromTheBlock

    Update - the more things change, the more they stay the same

    ...(which historically has the cheapest gas in town but is out of the way)- he stated he was going to Stripes (and as I type this I realize how *&%$*@$ stupid this whole conversation is)- takes the money. Leaves. No 'thanks'. No "I'll do better next payday", No "I really appreciate that you...
  7. PennyFromTheBlock

    Rude, disrespectful, WHY WHY WHY did I agree to this?

    Two months. Month one, almost down. WHY WHY WHY did I allow this boy to come and stay with me? Why didn't I listen to my gut instinct tell me NO. There's not one particular thing that has happened, and I know why I let him come here- because he has his baby several nights a week and he needs...
  8. PennyFromTheBlock

    Do you all ever think there will come a time that we don't deal with all this drama anymore?

    I mean, do you all think there will ever come a time that our difficult ones grow up? Live somewhat normal? I simply cannot fathom spending the rest of MY life always waiting on the other shoe to drop, or walking on eggshells, or making excuses for him, or .... just not being able to 'live'...
  9. PennyFromTheBlock

    Update on son moving back into my house

    So, our 'temporary' situation is going ok. Not horrible like I feared. He's been here two weeks, we've discussed his long term plans - He actually paid back who he owed out of the check he just got- me (shock! I literally was speechless- it's not even CLOSE to what he TRULY owes me, but he...
  10. PennyFromTheBlock

    Son temporarily staying at my house

    ...a son in August 2015. CPS has been called (and I just got a letter that no services will be provided to them at this time). I'm ok with that *right now* because at least they are in the system and are 'known' to CPS. In October, he moved out of his house with the ex-girlfriend because SHE was...
  11. PennyFromTheBlock

    I'm so stupid. It's supposed to be when you know better, you do better.

    /sigh. Recap: Last summer, I detached. I gave up (or gave in to what I needed to do for my sanity). I stopped contact with my son. DONE. FINISHED. Read the books. Posted here, felt empowered because I knew deep down it was the RIGHT THING TO DO. My daughter commented not long after that...
  12. PennyFromTheBlock

    Difficult Child....Baby Drama.....I'm not built for this!

    ...this #$%^'. Well, so I made him madder because I agreed with her and told him the truth: 1. You actually CAN and SHOULD go both to school (9-2) *AND* work. People do it EVERY SINGLE DAY. 2. No one, not me- not his sister- is under ANY obligation to support you. Period. YOU ARE A...
  13. PennyFromTheBlock

    I'm hurting this evening. A lot. Does this ever stop? daughter is moving, so son comes to help. his girlfriend is keeping tabs- and at one point actually wrote in a text to him that he must be f*&^!#$ his sister. *rendered speechless* Long story short- the NEXT day, she was sorry, sent an apology text to me and him and my daughter. He...
  14. PennyFromTheBlock

    Navigating the roller coaster with difficult child son and impending grandbaby catch up. difficult child son sent me a text the Monday before Xmas to let me know he and the girlfriend were pregnant. Fast forward to now. From August until December- I had probably talked with difficult child no more than 5 times. And of those times, I had to repeat my mantra (that you all here...
  15. PennyFromTheBlock

    difficult child text Monday morning.....

    Basically, a picture of a positive Pregnancy Test with "Merry Christmas" as the message. Oh joy. I'm still processing- as I have no grandchildren - this would be the first. I have no idea how this will shake out or what a difficult child does when the ultimate bargaining tool (what a horrible way to put...
  16. PennyFromTheBlock

    difficult child moving out of state?

    Well. Hello y'all! So-there have been no real new 'news' around these parts. difficult child still with his girlfriend. Called me a couple of weeks ago- I was highway driving for the week, and he asked "so, when are you going to meet my girlfriend". Um, what? Of course, my FIRST...
  17. PennyFromTheBlock

    3 months in....and drama?

    ...was too stressful overall Him: ok but things have changed mom I have a little more sense like I would appreciate some help even if I have to take **** talking or whatever I will work nites, so it's just a place to sleep and shower and eat nothing else Him: nobody is trying or willing to...
  18. PennyFromTheBlock

    Today hasn't been a good day

    I don't know if it's just because I'm tired (from work, from travelling, from worrying about getting this house sold so I can move on with my LIFE, of difficult child) but I've had a crying spell with no provocation. difficult child texted me on Sunday and asked for gas money. I didn't respond. 4 hours later, he...
  19. PennyFromTheBlock

    The letter he'll never read please give you another chance. I begged and pleaded and cried in truancy court. See, I was at risk of jail when you landed us there. I was *thisclose* to being COURT ORDERED to attend classes with you. What about my job? "Not our problem, you need to make sure he goes to school"...
  20. PennyFromTheBlock

    difficult child Update....same old thing...with a twist

    Haven't been here in a while- life has been busy. My difficult child is living with a girlfriend. We know this (we= me and easy child) based on information my daughter found out on FB. I don't 'stalk' (I'm blocked anyway) but like to keep my finger on the pulse. Anyway, Saturday morning before 8 a.m. my phone...