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  • Users: CrazyinVA
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  1. CrazyinVA

    HBO Documentary

    "A Dangerous Son" A Dangerous Son I watched this last night -- very powerful, even if a bit "triggering" for me. So much of it was so familiar. I hope it succeeds in showing what some parents are going through, how inadequate the "system" is, and how tough it is to get help for your...
  2. CrazyinVA


    I know the concept of "gaslighting" has come up here before, and I just came across this article that I found to be a great explanation of it. There's also a link at the end to another article about emotional abuse, which many of us can also relate to, I think. So many of us have been there...
  3. CrazyinVA

    Parent Advocate Arrested at IEP Meeting

    Just saw this news story ... I am just blown away. Wanted to share with fellow parents who've been through the IEP route, and know how much schools can fight you. I'm sure there is more to this story...
  4. CrazyinVA

    Remember the girl who sued her parents for college tuition?

    .... she WON. Unbelievable. The only saving grace is that the parents are working with legislators to draft a bill to prevent this from happening again.
  5. CrazyinVA

    Comic/Blog About Depression

    I really enjoyed reading this -- it's written kind of Oatmeal-style, if you've ever read that comic. As someone who's suffered from depression in the past, I'd say it's pretty dead-on.
  6. CrazyinVA

    "Schizophrenic. Killer. My Cousin."

    This is an extremely long, but extremely well-written article about the state of mental health care in the U.S., written by a woman whose schizophrenic cousin killed his own father. Her Aunt was also schizophrenic. Her family's pesonal story is very poignant. I had to share here because I...
  7. CrazyinVA

    Quick Question re Child Study Meeting

    Youngest just called me upset because my grandson's school called her to inform her they were having a Child Study Meeting this morning at 11 am. She told them she didn't know anythying about it, she'd received no notice. Their reply was that "one should have gone home in his backpack." She...
  8. CrazyinVA

    Grandson's psychiatric evaluation, and silver linings.

    Youngest took her son in for a psychiatric evaluation a few months ago, and it's taken this long for the results to be finalized and a review appointment to be set. A psychologist administered the test, I'm not sure of her exact qualifications, but it seemed fairly thorough from what Youngest told me. At...
  9. CrazyinVA

    Article about "troubled" kids in ERs.

    Reading this articles (and the comments) brought forth a slew of emotions, not the least of which is sadness and frustration over the never-ending battle against the stigma of mental illness and society's eagerness to blame the parents. So many of us here have had to take our kids to the ER...
  10. CrazyinVA

    When You Are The Parent Of The 'Monster'

    I thought this group would especially appreciate this essay. While my heart goes out to the victims of the Colorado tragedy and their families, I find myself feeling a certain empathy for the parents of the killer, because of my own experiences with mental illness in family members (and...
  11. CrazyinVA

    This hit home -- missing girl in California.

    This hit home because it sounded too familiar :( Say a few prayers/rattle beads/send good ju-ju for this girl and her family, if you would. Side note: it's interesting to see...
  12. CrazyinVA

    Youngest is now a married woman.

    Her wedding was Friday evening. It was very nice, a small backyard thing at their townhouse. It's weird to see her posting on FB with a different last name, guess I'll get used to that! Her husband leaves for overseas in early June, and will be gone for a year.. I pray this all works out...
  13. CrazyinVA

    School Bans Disabled Girl from Using Walker

    Did you guys see this on the Today show this morning? Watch the video segment in the article. The audio of the school adminstrator, and hearing the tone in his voice, just burned me up. I really feel for this parent...
  14. CrazyinVA

    News from here

    Well, Youngest is getting married. She's known the guy since last summer, and has been living with him since October. I like him, he seems like a decent guy .. although honestly after the abusive father of her first child, and the pedophile father of her second, there's nowhere to go but up...
  15. CrazyinVA

    For the "yeah, right" files.

    ...too!" Ummm no again. Points for the "I know the answer is probably no," but .. really? You even asked .... ?? For those of you who aren't in the know, tickets *start* at about $250 each. Yeah, right. I think I'll tell her that I want front row Springsteen tickets for my birthday.
  16. CrazyinVA

    Update on Youngest - I'm at a loss.

    My youngest has been dating a new guy for 6 months or so. She has been spending weekends there, with both her kids, for the last 4-5 months. She has all but moved in, and the idea was to move in after Christmas. But now, things are getting dicey. My 4 year old grandson is developing behavior...
  17. CrazyinVA

    Florida Charter Schools Failing Disabled Students

    I heard this on the way to work this morning, and had to share. It made me SO angry. I've been on the fence about my feelings about charter schools, but apparently for disabled students, they're not even an option, at least, not in Florida. I can't believe they're getting away with this...
  18. CrazyinVA

    High rates of foster kids given antipsychotic medications, study finds

    Full article here: NYT: Foster kids often given antipsychotic medications - Health - Children's health - Seems to me many foster kids are more likely to suffer from mental illness, so this didn't surprise me. It's statistical, it doesn't mean that these kids are being irresponsibly...
  19. CrazyinVA

    Positive Vibes Needed

    I'm very worried about Oldest. She's gone through another cycle of getting hours cut to virtually nothing at work, and is facing eviction. This has happened countless times over the years, and she always lands on her feet.. This time, though, she seems more despondent and depressed than I've...
  20. CrazyinVA

    Autistic children have distinct facial features, study suggests

    Full story here: Vitals - Autistic children have distinct facial features, study suggests