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  1. New Leaf


    Hi Copa, I am doing well, thank you so much for checking in. Life is quite busy with my granddaughters activities and trying to get back to my gardening. The islands are bracing for an approaching storm the air is heavy, sky darkened and heavy rain has begun. We prepare for the worst and pray...
  2. New Leaf


    Hi all, Well how quickly things can change. Woke up early this morning to find Rain- gone. Slipped out into the night like so many other times. Sigh. You are correct. Love cannot save and no one can turn back the hands of time. I was waxing emotionally, reacting, and wishing things were...
  3. New Leaf


    Hi Copa, I am……coping. Rain was released from the hospital and is back with me. She still has issues breathing, had a nephrologist appointment yesterday, has nothing but the clothes on her back. She told me that she has been clean for a while now as she is physically unable to smoke meth, it...
  4. New Leaf


    Hello Midst, I apologize for taking so long to respond. Welcome to CD, but so sorry for your need to be here. It has been a lifeline for me to be able to reach out to others who understand the journey. I am sorry for what you have been through and the situation you are dealing with now. We have...
  5. New Leaf


    Hello all, Thank you so much for your friendship and comforting words. In my reaction to my daughter’s illness I was remiss to reach out to those of you here who are living in California and dealing with the awful devastating fires. I hope that those of you living there are safe. It is...
  6. New Leaf


    Aloha all, I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your kind words of encouragement and for inquiring on my well being. I am slowly healing and feeling a bit better health wise. A bit more energy each day. I have been working at my art here and there, since I am not physically...
  7. New Leaf


    Hello dear friends, First of all, I want to thank you all for your kind words and prayers. I am eternally grateful for each and every one of you on this site. It has been such a shock with my health issue and I have been through quite the emotional, physical and spiritual rollercoaster. I am...
  8. New Leaf


    Heartfelt thanks going out Thank you Mommatried Thank you Beta. I will be out of commission for awhile . I am currently in the hospital and will undergo urgent surgery tomorrow. My stomach issues turned out to be a mass blocking my colon. Docs will remove the affected section along with lymph...
  9. New Leaf


    Ps I’m mad at M No, just no. Stop it. I have an invisible M in my head that will try to guilt me into thinking this way. “You are her mother, just take her in and take care of her.” Yes, I folded with Tornado when she was in transition to the sober home. She was trying to change. I helped...
  10. New Leaf


    Oh Copa, I am so sorry your day turned out to be so hard. Does it ever end? How long has it been since you have seen your son? It is the hardest, hardest thing to deal with when my daughters just show up at my house, I know that feeling of trauma as well. The “What do I do now? Why is she here...
  11. New Leaf


    Ps. In all honesty I was a big ball of do nothing today. I am so sad and tired.
  12. New Leaf


    Unexpectedly, but not so unexpectedly, as I watched the news in the early evening, I heard a voice coming from my driveway. “Ma”. It was Rain, who made her way to my house on a dilapidated moped with an old street ex-boyfriend, both of them looking disheveled, wearing the long history of...
  13. New Leaf


    Aloha nui Kalahou, How wonderful to “see” you and know that you have been given some respite from the “rinse, repeat cycle.” It is very much so “rinse/repeat” and while it is wearing, I have to find ways to keep both feet on the ground. Thank you for your prayers. It is what I have to lean back...
  14. New Leaf


    Well I just got off the phone with Rain, they are releasing her. She was trying to get out of the room to avoid her boyfriend, who now is not really her boyfriend but just keeps showing up……..sigh. She is catching a taxi to a friends’ apartment and from there, I don’t know. She does not have a phone. So...
  15. New Leaf


    Hi Copa, Yes the pivot. Right now I see her street “boyfriend” as a huge block to her follow through. He is abusive, but she will make excuses for him. He prevented her from completing her antibiotic treatment for her last leg infection by taking her phone. He was at the hospital when I visited...
  16. New Leaf


    Hi Copa, Me too. I am not sure what is immediately available for her, but Rain has said that social workers have come to visit. She mentioned the medical treatment shelter, but that there is a waitlist. We have a huge problem here on Oahu with meth. When I talk with Rain, I wonder if she...
  17. New Leaf


    Hi ButCoffeeFirst, Thank you so much for your kind response and encouragement. I know that I will have to work hard at reaffirming my stance and balance while processing this reality. The fog rolls in and bodes me to reevaluate my position, the questions swirling through my head, then talking...
  18. New Leaf


    From the bottom of my heart to my very essence, I thank you for reaching out yet again Copa. Yes, this. Exactly this. It has felt as much through time spent here on CD, the closeness and bond of shared challenges, heartache and encouragement. How wonderful it would be to be neighbors! But...
  19. New Leaf


    I have been absent for a bit, watching grandkids, working my jungle garden and busy with granddaughter who is in the height of her teenage years, a junior now and doing quite well in school. Just came back from a two week visit with mom and sisters. New England in the fall is so beautiful. Mom...
  20. New Leaf

    I have missed you. What do we do now?

    I was sitting at my computer and thought "Iʻll give it another try" and was so surprised to be able to log on. I am so grateful for this site and all of the wonderful parents who share their journey, trials and challenges and hope. I so missed all of you! What to do? Like our dearest Copa, I...