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  • Users: Fran
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  1. Fran

    My son has passed away…

    LMS, as a mom of a difficult child who can't quite get to the next level of independence, my heart breaks for you. The hard work, love, education,patience helped him. it was not wasted. Don't forget you and husband worked very hard. You can wrap the wound in your heart with that little bit of consolation. The...
  2. Fran


    Marcie, how are you? I just logged on because I got an email that someone named Mrs Sue messaged me. It was the scam about giving me 8 M dollars. ROFLMBO. So I just logged on and saw you. Hope you are well.
  3. Fran

    Rising from the apparent dead! I am back.

    Hi Janet, so nice to see you. I often think of you. You were a good friend to me when I owned the site. Thank you. Glad to hear life has improved for you. I think, like me, our difficult child's aren't doing as well as we hoped but not as bad as I feared. Take care of yourself. Tell Tony I said "hi". I'll...
  4. Fran

    I yjust wanted to say "hi"

    Thank you Susie, we did help each other a good bit. Fond memories of comForting each other and group think to solve problems. You were one of the visitors when Esther visited.
  5. Fran

    I yjust wanted to say "hi"

    difficult childs' is supposed to be difficult gift from God but spell check won't let me. Sorry. Spellcheck kicked my butt once again.
  6. Fran

    I yjust wanted to say "hi"

    Hello my cd family. I just had a second to stop in and read so many stories of members from my time that I felt I should say hello. I will always love you guys and appreciate the support and wisdom that we all shared. The truth of years tells me that issues may change but difficult child's are always difficult child's...
  7. Fran

    Circle of support for an old member

    Sending Janet my love. She has been through so much. I hate drugs too and I don't have to deal with it personally. It ruins lives and families. Hugs Janet.
  8. Fran

    I saw Chava this evening. Who remembers her?

    Hello Esther, I owe you a long e mail. Time flies by so quickly. I remember Chava so well. She was a kind loving warrior mom. I remember her tragedy. It was a painful loss. Please send my love. I will be in touch sweet Esther.
  9. Fran

    The Sweetest Thing

    What a shock. I'm so sorry Susie for your loss.
  10. Fran

    Jumper and fiance bought their own house!

    I remember your early days and your struggles. Hugs to enjoying life and the kids
  11. Fran

    Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you

    For those who are in the thick of the battle of being a warrior mom, someday you will be at peace. It is one of the things I am thankful for. I am at peace. It didn't turn out as bad as it could have but not as good as I prayed. I have much to be grateful for and my supportive loving husband is...
  12. Fran

    Jumper and fiance bought their own house!

    What wonderful news about how well jumper is doing and her priorities. Much to be thankful for. Enjoy every moment.
  13. Fran

    Just my thoughts on why we keep coming back here

    It has been a long time when I found this place. The first night I read case histories that were posted by parents. I cried for hours. How could all these children and parents be in such desperation and no one seemed to know or understand. I read for days before I tentatively posted. I thought...
  14. Fran

    For my mom - lumpectomy/radiation hints

    So sorry to hear of your mom's challenge. I don't have personal experience with breast issues but I do know independent women really hate having decisions made for them. Just share the facts that you have learned a be her support. You are a good daughter. Best of luck
  15. Fran

    An old member just checking in

    Sweet Esther, you were such a gift to visit us. Now, you must come to Atlanta where we can sit and talk like older wiser mothers of our children. I am in the country now with peace all around me and many, many trees. easy child is in Orlando and although he is safe from the new hurricane, I am a...
  16. Fran

    Questions about autism spectrum disorder

    So he has had services? You have been in a whirlwind with 21 daycares. Did the high school not speak to you about post high school plans? Disability? Just different educational experience than I have had. I know you want him to move on and become more independent. He may need a supportive...
  17. Fran

    jealous jealous pants on fire Lolol

    Hi Nomad, nice to see you. I have some friends who just want to see and get ideas for their own home. It's not jealous or underhanded. Just wanting to see and learn. Curiosity? Part of it is because we move frequently and live in different sort of houses in each state. If I feel there is a...
  18. Fran

    Compulsive eating

    Hi Amity, I really understand the worry over the behavior you see and wonder how he will function further on in life. Behaviors change as growth and development happens. Hopefully, as he grows and matures there will be teaching and understanding of his behavior so that he can learn to soothe...
  19. Fran

    Questions about autism spectrum disorder

    It's hard to imagine that he was not diagnosed until 18. How well did he function in grade school and high school? Did anyone dealing with your son give you any input? Medications of different sorts work differently on each person. My son is completely different than either of the mother's...
  20. Fran

    Unattached children

    Sorry for the pain you are in. As parents, the best we can do is work in the best interest of the child with what the child is made of. I think my unique child was born with his disabilities, personality and assets. I don't have much experience with attachment issues. I tried to make his...