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  1. 9

    19 year old doing better out of the home

    I posted here a few years ago about out of control Teen boy: depression, cutting, running away, drugs, flunking, etc. Since then I have remarried which I think has helped. I found a college he could get into up in the mountains and took him to look at it when he was going back downhill and...
  2. 9

    ugly morning - he won't go to school

    i'm the one with the fatherless son who just lost his grandfather 2 weeks ago. he's refusing to get out of bed, crying, mean, nasty, mad at me, gritting his teeth and hyperventilating. this is terrible. he already wore me out with his 3 yrs of destructive behavior, I don't have the patience...
  3. 9

    a hard blow to recover from

    so my dad (difficult child gpa) died unexpectedly; he was like a father to difficult child since he never had one. difficult child had been doing quite a bit better, attending school again (expulsion over), hadn't been caught with pot in awhile although he was smoking cigarette butts he found on the ground, he seemed to be...
  4. 9

    Son doing much better :)

    I was posting here during the summer as my son's behavior declined into 3 arrests, 2 expulsions, 4 visits from the sherrif PERT team; all before he was 15! Being on probation seemed to help a lot; since then he did come home drunk once and steal some prescriptions twice and got two tattoos but...
  5. 9

    trying "school" again this week

    we had the big meltdown last friday when difficult child was supposed to do homework from 8-10 in my office so I could take him to "ind study group" from 10-1; the only "school" he can attend other than Juv Court School which no one was happy with. They were closed Tues (only meet T/Fr) so he has not been...
  6. 9

    difficult child spiralling again

    been going downhill a few days, mean and nasty and sarcastic; we're both stressed and worried about the future and at each others throats. he cut his arm up again, took off running, cops back out to talk him down, not bad enough for hold they say, called mental hospital, they have no space if...
  7. 9

    difficult child's birthday today

    looking at his baby pictures like I always do on his birthday; today i had to take him to probation office for court ordered drug testing since his first drug test on probation was dirty (he claims remnants from prior use, PO says timing is more indicative of recent use). hard to believe everything...
  8. 9

    any tips on blending families?

    (I'm the one getting married - thanks SO much for all the well-wishes!). I know this can be tricky even with easy child's so has anyone done this with a difficult child? fiancee has an 11 yo daughter; cool kid, she has a few anxiety/separation issues when her dad goes out of town, probably from her mom abandoning...
  9. 9

    difficult child is going to have a dad!

    I'm engaged! To a complete sweetheart - his own dad is really his stepfather as bio dad was not around so he has some experience with that and has raised a step daughter from his first marriage as his own even after her mom left them to be tweaker. difficult child and boyfriend get along great, boyfriend has already...
  10. 9

    OMG! difficult child is doing homework!

    So, we went today to the first meeting with the probation officer. Then we had the enrollment meeting for ind study "school" since difficult child is expelled from real school. Both went well, then, I came home from karate and difficult child was actually doing homework without me forcing him! AND he told me he made...
  11. 9

    OK, no more bottled water

    So i quit buying bottled water awhile back since difficult child would take a few sips of one and then leave it around like trash and open another the next time he was thirsty. I bought a frig that has nice filtered water and ice dispensed out the front which is probably cheaper in the long run and better...
  12. 9

    2 hour battle over 1 hour homework

    this kid is driving me nuts. i guess i should just back off and let him fail but i can't.
  13. 9

    son will not go to the beach

    i wanted to go the beach, we haven't been in awhile, every time i bring it up he doesn't want to go. tried to press the issue and then decided that it would just be miserable for me to drag a hostage along to the beach. But i told him "you can't withdraw from every activity going on and then...
  14. 9

    grrrr difficult child asleep when he's not supposed to be

    dragged him up at 9 for bfast, his sleepover friend left at 10, then at 12 i was going to fabric store with my mom and told him to get out of bed where he had crawled back into. 3:00 i come home; he's in bed! This is ridiculous, my expectations of him have been so lowered: all he has to do is...
  15. 9

    14 yo difficult child begging for his phone back

    I am not giving him a phone full of drug contacts; he is sad about not being able to say goodbye to his friends (just got another offer on the condo so hopefully it is sold this time) but there are bad people in that phone that he can text and get pot delivered to our home. He was really...
  16. 9

    took difficult child to court today

    he got 12 mo probation which is longer than i expected. But I'm happy, this seems like it will really be a help to me. He has a 6 pm curfew, has to take down his facebook and can't have any matches, knives, lighters and has to do outpatient drug treatment and anger mgmt classes. And best of...
  17. 9

    rats my condo is NOT sold

    buyer backed out. I'm wavering between keeping him inside on lockdown or letting him have enough rope to hang himself while we've got the support from probation and the threat of returning to juvie since he's got to go out sometime. Any opinions?
  18. 9

    Hi Guys! My internet's been broken!

    Been reading all the new posts; sounds like everyone is pushing the right direction with these rough situations. My difficult child came home from juvie a week ago; he was SO happy to get out of there,hated the food lol. He's been pretty good, he did post on facebook which he was not supposed to do He's...
  19. 9

    difficult child home from juvie:)

    he is VERY happy to be home after 2 weeks. We are just hanging out and watching a movie. He missed his dog and wants homemade cookies :)
  20. 9

    Sold my condo :(

    I really like my condo, it's a 2 story townhouse in So Cal with a back yard with a tented gazebo for bbq, french doors to a small front patio where I have coffee and read the paper, a gas fireplace, roomy kitchen with all new appliances, huge master br with walkin closet and private bath. But...