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  1. DadInProgress

    Anger reignited...

    Tried having dinner with my dad and mom and brother. My dad made condescending comments about both our life choices. Even though we are both very successful just not mirror images of him. And since he only likes to talk about himself , he has no true interest or appreciation for what we’ve...
  2. DadInProgress

    Should you tell your kids about your own past substance use?

    I have wondered others opinions on this for a while. I have seen it work out so many different ways. Some parents end out drinking and partying with their kids. And some kids are fine, others go down a bad road. Does it have anything to do with parental input or is it just life happening? My...
  3. DadInProgress

    just saying hey....hope you are having the best day possible

    only been here a week, but have gained a lot of peace from this forum. as a younger father i am realizing the wisdom that comes with experience and how reactionary I can be out of worry. so I appreciate all the kind words and input. Thanks all.
  4. DadInProgress

    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)/ADD daughter progressively isolating...

    she lives on her own at college. It isn’t bad, but I know how it can get. The hard part is her being an adult now. Does anyone have any tips for engaging a high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) child to help keep them on a positive track? Without intruding, triggering any anger? Looking to know what was...
  5. DadInProgress

    Older parents ... how screwed up are people under 35?

    Between the creation of the cellphone, gender politics identity politics alt right alt left podcasts lost of interest in procreation and humanity Safe spaces Social justice worries Catering to whoever complain loud enough on twitter Woman becoming responsibile for everything Men becoming...
  6. DadInProgress

    Thoughts on tablets, tv, etc for children...

    At 33, I thank God I grew up when phones were attached to the wall, TVs had news and sports and we played in the woods from sunup to sundown. I miss those days. Maybe I’ll move my family to some upstate county that is a couple decades behind the times. :) Just being nostalgic...
  7. DadInProgress

    How do you know a psychologist or psychiatrist is good?

    Sorry if this has been posted before; I have researching online and see the star ratings, but based on my experience that means little. Does anyone have techniques or questions for gauging a professional? Ques that tell you to run for the hills? Etc?
  8. DadInProgress

    Using hallucinogens to treat PTSD/autism/TRE

    Does anyone have knowledge of this? Or participates/know someone who has participated in a study? I have been seeing so much information in medical journals about the effectiveness of lsd and pscilocybn in treating many mental/emotional disorders. Even offering the blind some experience with...
  9. DadInProgress

    Do you ever feel like diagnoses are harmful?

    I have hesitated to post about my step daughter because I fearful she will get labeled by the psychiatric system; and spend her life gaining more diagnoses every time she meets an obstacle. She is 16, the kindest, warmest, most intuitive, strong girl ever. But has struggled in this world where...
  10. DadInProgress

    Being an infp / empath

    Knowing when people are lying is a good thing, but also painful. Watching people be manipulated and tricked hurts. Feeling the negative energy around someone who is selfish to the core and willing to harm other is being suffocated. Seeing all the bullshit in the world doesn’t always feel like...
  11. DadInProgress

    How to eliminate the anger.

    I am not ready to dig into my childhood stuff, but have a lot of anger and pain related to abuse and neglect. Are MMA or kickboxing good activities for people with non-violent PTSD experience.