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  • Users: gcvmom
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  1. gcvmom

    He got a JOB!!!

    DC1 was offered a cashier job today at a local hardware store -- his first REAL job! I am so unbelievably thrilled!!! And so is he :bigsmile: No idea when he starts yet, but OMG this is such a huge step for him. Unfortunately, this brought out some chest-thumping behavior, and he's been...
  2. gcvmom

    First day back on campus!

    I am thrilled that DC1 went back to community college today and successfully made it through his class! No panic attacks, no negativity, came home in a good mood, moderately enthusiastic about the class, focused on acquiring his materials this week -- ALL GOOD! It's a stark contrast to the...
  3. gcvmom

    Checking in, joining the club, catching up.

    Hi everyone! :i'mback:Posted my update on the General forum last night for those who remember me, but just wanted to check in here as well, now that I've got TWO over-18 darlings in the house, and another just around the corner. Didn't realize four years had gone by until I saw the date of my...
  4. gcvmom

    Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time...

    without this place and all my old friends here! Just want to let y'all know I've thought about you many, many times over the past (four?!!!) years I've been away. Suffice to say that I went down the rabbit hole for a while due to a whole host of circumstances, and so for those of you who...
  5. gcvmom

    Hellooooooo out there!

    Remember me? No, I was not abducted by chicken wranglers. No, I did not defect to Hawaii. No, I did not abandon my family at a national park rest stop and begin life anew as the proprietor of a t-shirt shop in Dubuque. I am SO far behind in all the fun and drama on this site, I don't even...
  6. gcvmom

    So this chicken walks into a bar and...

    Hey everyone! Just poppin' by to say hello and dispell the rumors that I'd run off with Raoul to Tahiti (much as I'd like to have). My absence here is simply due to an incredibly busy schedule, nothing more. I've been helping to promote and run a weekly gourmet food truck event on the high...
  7. gcvmom

    FINALLY the psychiatrist saw what I see all the time in husband!

    The difficult child's had their quarterly check-in with the psychiatrist yesterday. When he was finished chatting with the boys, he excused them from the room so he could ask me how husband was doing since he added Lamictal to the mix. After I told him things were going much better, that husband is participating in family...
  8. gcvmom

    Article on old flu drug that helps brain injury And coincidentally, our psychiatrist rx's this off-label for difficult child 2 in place of Intuniv to help with focus and attention because it is not sedating like Intuniv is. I have to say, after the ramp up that took several weeks, difficult child 2...
  9. gcvmom

    Back (unfortunately) from NOLA

    husband and I got back late Friday from our 6-day escape to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. We really had a great time and it was a much needed break from all the difficult child-ness that goes on around here every day. We really couldn't afford this trip, but I was at my breaking point, so we'll have some debt...
  10. gcvmom

    Can a difficult child join the military?

    I posted this on the WC, too. Can someone with physical and mental health issues find a place in the military? Here's what I posted: Does anyone here have experience with someone who had physical and mental health issues signing up for service in the military? Do they take people like that...
  11. gcvmom

    Can you join the military if you have health problems?

    Does anyone here have experience with someone who had physical and mental health issues signing up for service in the military? Do they take people like that? I'm trying to think of all the different options open to difficult child 1 because he is starting to fall apart again at school -- even the military...
  12. gcvmom

    Today's the big day for our new league!

    Our walk-in registration begins in about 90 min. Everyone is a bit on edge because we are close to 100 bodies shy of being able to pull this off -- we didn't get nearly the number of online or mail-in registrations we'd expected. So we're hoping that most people are coming in person today...
  13. gcvmom

    Youth league day of reckoning nigh!

    I've posted before about the new youth lacrosse league I'm involved in. I was "hired" to create the website and help launch the program. I use the term loosely because it's doubtful I'll get paid this year much if anything this year -- too many start-up expenses to cover (we've hired a lawyer...
  14. gcvmom

    When you focus on what isn't instead of what is...

    What do you call that? When you focus on or obsess over what's NOT going to happen and your disappointment over that instead of what IS going to happen and the positive aspects of it? Let me see if I can give an example: You like to bowl with your wife. Because of life getting in the way...
  15. gcvmom

    Planning my Big Easy Escape!

    Everyone here (except me) is sick. husband started it with a cold that quickly turned to bronchitis and a sinus infection that's been going for 3 weeks now and is on it's second antibiotic. difficult child 1 came down with the bug last weekend gradually. Managed to go to school Monday and first period Tuesday...
  16. gcvmom

    Welcome to my pity party.

    Slept for about 3 hours last night and finally gave up after tossing and turning for an hour and came downstairs at 5am. All I could think about is how much I feel like I'm failing because difficult child 1 fell flat on his face this semester. I don't know that there's any one reason his grades dropped...
  17. gcvmom

    Those baby crayfish... aren't!

    Though they are closely related to crayfish, it turns out they are actually called "scuds" : scud How on earth they made their way into a plastic pond on a second floor balcony is beyond my understanding! All I can think is that perhaps we got some hitchhikers when we put our old crayfish in...
  18. gcvmom

    How can we have crayfish babies if there are no crayfish in the pond?

    We have a small plastic pond on our 2nd floor deck (we put it up there to keep it away from predators since we have a turtle in there and we still get an occasional raccoon trying to heft her out of the water). Last year the kids caught a crayfish and we put it in the pond. Then I think they...
  19. gcvmom

    When adults bully kids...

    difficult child 2 is not a mean kid. He has a big heart and he wants to be helpful, but admittedly he is sometimes annoying because of his underdeveloped social skills. We know that. The school is supposed to know that based on their evaluation of him, his IEP, and his history. He has had bumps this...
  20. gcvmom

    Hallelujah! The loser down the street is selling his house!!!

    This is the guy who is notorious for his jail time, loud rave parties, drug sales and dead bodies at his house. OK, maybe just ONE dead body. And we are pretty certain that some of his "friends" are responsible for breaking into husband's car and stealing over $100 in items a few years back. I am...