Search results for query: *

  1. E

    Hello everyone!

    How wonderful that the board is up and running again. I just wanted to say hello to you all, and to let you know that I and all my family are OK. My son Oriel, who was the reason I originally joined this wonderful site (it must have been about 25 years ago), has been living back here with us...
  2. E

    I saw Chava this evening. Who remembers her?

    Hello everyone! I just wanted to tell all those who still remember Chava, that I saw her this evening. She held a memorial evening for her little son Joey. Do you remember that he was killed in a dreadful accident in a playground? That was 16 years ago -- unbelievable how time flies! Anyway, I...
  3. E

    Big change in my life

    I just thought I would share this with the Board: After 52 years of smoking (I started at the age of 19, which isn't particularly young to start, and I am now 71), my cardiologist really frightened me and then took me along to meet the doctor in charge of the stopping smoking group that was...
  4. E

    Dammit Janet, is that really you?

    Janet, I can't tell you how much I have missed you. I've been wondering where you are. And then suddenly I see that you have answered Nomad's post about her throat -- and I was so thrilled to see you again. How are you? What has been happening to you? Love, Esther
  5. E

    Has anyone any experience of Lyme Disease?

    My best friend's daughter has been feeling not well for about two years, and her condition is very slowly but steadily deteriorating (she's 47 and the mother of five children). It was stomach aches, and lots of joint and muscle pains, and all sorts of things. She is very very tired. Now all of a...
  6. E

    How long does it take for Ritalin to "kick in"?

    My granddaughter has just started taking Ritalin (she's 11). She should have started several years ago when she was diagnosed, but she refused and my daughter didn't force her. Now she has "consented" (nice of her!) and she started yesterday. I was wondering how long it would take until any...
  7. E

    Tammy Lovemysons, how are you?

    Tammy, every day I come on here and the first thing I do is check if you have written anything. How are you doing? What is happening with you and yours? Please let us know, I'm worried about you. Love, Esther
  8. E

    Lovemysons, how are you?

    Tammy, we haven't had an update from you in quite a while. How are you? If you have the time, please give us an update. Love, Esther
  9. E

    This is Esther -- not from Jerusalem but from Australia, temporarily

    Well, I made it. I'm down under, in Australia. I'm in Sydney with my difficult child, who has just left the house he lives in to go to a hip-hop party, at 10:20 p.m. I'm OK with that. Whatever he wants is fine with me. Well, almost, but I am trying not to make any demands on him. So far we are getting on...
  10. E

    I'm so sad

    Please forgive me for sharing this with you all, but I am feeling so very very sad. I have two sisters -- an older one and a younger one. The younger one and I are very close -- we talk every night at around midnight and we share things with one another and support one another and listen to...
  11. E

    Marg, are you OK?

    Marg, I've been seeing about the weather in Australia, first you had dreadful heat and fires, and now storms and foam coming in from the sea!!! So I was wondering how you and your family are doing in this extreme weather? Love, Esther
  12. E

    Update on my difficult child

    Well, as you all know, my difficult child has been in Australia for two years now (well, actually February will be two whole years). Going to Australia was his idea, and he did it all on his own. I can't say I didn't worry a bit, but it was so good knowing that he was going to be far away and no longer in...
  13. E

    Question about hand flapping

    A cousin of mine has a daughter who is beautiful, intelligent, popular and loved by her friends. She flaps her hands and when she does that her face also becomes distorted. Can anyone put a name to this? She has no other symptoms. She is 13. Love Esther
  14. E

    to take Ritalin or not?

    My son phoned me this evening and told me that his almost six-year-old son (my grandson) has just been diagnosed as having ADD. He underwent thorough testing by a pediatric neurologist so I am sure the diagnosis is correct. Ritalin was recommended. My son and his wife wanted to hear my opinion...
  15. E

    Happy New Year -- Shana Tova!

    This is just to wish a Happy New Year and a Shana Tova to all those who celebrate the Jewish New Year (which actually started three days ago -- we have just finished two days New Year plus one day Sabbath, a three-day marathon for us). Wishing you all, and everyone on this board, a year of...
  16. E

    Update on Chava -- for those of you who remember her

    For a few weeks now I have been "friends" with Chava on facebook, but we didn't actually communicate. Just now on an impulse I picked up the phone and phoned her. She's still the same lovely vivacious Chava. She gave me her permission to write you all an update on her. First of all, the one of...
  17. E

    The wonders of modern technology

    My difficult child has been in Australia for 6 months now. He is not doing all that well, cannot keep down a job, but somehow is making a go of it, doing a couple of days construction work here, selling in a bakery shop there. Because he is so far away, we got Skype on our computer, because that way we can...
  18. E

    I can't stop laughing!!

    Do you remember (those of you who are old enough) when we had white cloth diapers, and occasionally you would see a line of laundry hanging with pale blue diapers, or pale yellow, or pink? That was when we accidentally put something coloured in the washing machine to boil with the cotton things...
  19. E

    Marg -- Happy Birthday!

    I just noticed in the good morning thread that Marg said "by the way" that tomorrow is her birthday. Well, today is tomorrow, if you see what I mean. So Marg -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and many happy and healthy returns of the day to you. Love, Esther
  20. E

    I just spoke to Chava

    I hadn't been in touch with Chava for a couple of years, and on an impulse I just phoned her and she told me a bit about her family and said it would be fine for me to report to you on the board, and to send you all her love. She said she no longer ever looks on the board. Her two daughters...