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  1. C

    Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Teenage Girl

    I remember this stage. Our two girls are ADHD and ODD. Our eldest is now 24 and still struggles with limitations and impulse control. Natural consequences are the only things that seem to sink in, but 13 years olds need structure and rules. Limits should flow organically not be draconian...
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    Mother of 2 Grown ADHD ODD Girls. Things are not perfect but better. The trials for this...

    Mother of 2 Grown ADHD ODD Girls. Things are not perfect but better. The trials for this generation are over let the games begin anew.
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    17 year old ruining our lives

    My husband has worked for 20 years to provide us with a comfortable home and nice things. I have tried to work outside of the home a few times but difficult child has always had some problem or another and I end up having to stay home again. A couple of months ago husband ended up having a severe health problem and...
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    Let's Hope This Works: Reward Chart

    When our difficult child was this age the counsellor suggested taking pictures of what our expectations were. What constituted a clean room. Take the picture of the bed with the toys on it and put it next to the chart. Make sure grandpa is going to be available to take difficult child when he has earned the points...
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    Unemployment a marital blessing in disguise...

    My husband is in construction. Even when he is home he remains blissfully unaware of the inner workings of the inner sanctum. He didn't used to listen but now that he is on his medications for his bipolar he listens a bit better but even now he confines himself to doing laundry, getting the dishes in the...
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    Need some rec's for board games, card games, amusements for younger teens

    My 12 year old loves the new versions of life and monopoly that are played with the hand held computers. They let you play short medium and long games. UNO is a good card game. They are also into truth or dare. Do you have a park close by because they could also go and play basketball or...
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    Where to go from here with our difficult child

    Well this has been a terrible week for her attendance at school or coming home. She has attended 4 of her 15 classes and has not showed up at the office for the math course that they are offering for her spare. They told her at the beginning that if she was blowing classes that they are going...
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    Do I Leave or Him ??

    You don't say how old your son is, but I think we have all been at this point. Deep breath, and try to think like this is your home that you have been run out of. Go home, lock away the tv, computer and any other items that you think difficult child is going to try to smash. If he doesn't do his homework...
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    Becareful what you ask for!!!

    Well at least in the states they are willing to put him in a state home. Here in Canada they just let them move out on their own and take no responsibility for the consequences. They were going to let our 16 year old daughter move in with a criminal that was out on parole. They were going to...
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    Where to go from here with our difficult child

    Well my 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with multiple illnesses 13 years ago. Every year she is diagnosed with something more. Now that she has also developed a strong dependecy on drugs and alcohol I just feel like our life has spiralled out of control (more out of control to be honest)...
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    Question for parents of teens

    My daughter wouldn't have her friends over because they had so much more freedom at the friends house. they had parents that worked and the parents would give them money to entertain them with drugs and alcohol. We had explained the facts of life to our difficult child but it didn't really affect her...
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    Aren't I just the big bad witch

    I have been a member of this board for a very long time. I pop in and out I can finally find the time. About 6 months ago, we sent our difficult child across the country to live with her grandfather. It was an agonizing decision but it really came down to a choice of losing her to the streets in the...
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    Took stepping on a few toes, but ...

    Ally Anything you can offer would be great. She took off again this weekend. We were supposed to go away and now I am back on the hampster wheel. Called the number they gave me and he listened very sympathetically for 10 minutes and then said, I don't know you or your daughter so it wouldn't...
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    Took stepping on a few toes, but ...

    I finally may have gotten the ball rolling to get Al some real help. Because of her drug use they keep referring us back to the drug counselling and services never really looking at the fact that this is just the latest incarnation of what is going on with her. There is a program (the only one...
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    Now for the other side.....

    I can identify with you. While Al was at the drug safehouse we were in a room talking. She kept asking about boyfriend and where he was at. She is not allowed access to a phone, computer etc. while in the safehouse. She had me drive 25 minutes across town at 9 pm because she really needed to see me...
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    When Al was younger my aunt would send me all these great emails about alternative methods then medication. They were all written by nutritionists and herbalists and would have all these psuedo scientific rationale on why they would work. I would talk to my mother on the phone (she was 3000...
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    Very productive and stern psychiatric mtng

    Terry Glad you finally have a therapist who is telling it like it is. The last two we've have allowed her to tell him what he wants to hear and then have the nerve to tell us she was a smart girl and was going to be all right. I guess this whole running away for days at a time, stealing cars...
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    Same dirt different day

    We have tried every avenue. Nobody wants to take responsibility and unless police have a court order (and even then) they are not willing to do anything. psychiatric hospital only wants her if she is threatening to hurt herself or others. Alberta is really the wild west with everyone looking out for number 1.
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    Same dirt different day

    Our difficult child has been diagnosed with a variety of issues since she was 3. She was thrown out of daycare for biting a staff member and hitting other children and we started down the endless road we continue to wander. We have had Family and Childrens services in and out of our lives for 10 years and...
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    I don't know where to begin

    Social Services are just going through the motions. Kids don't seem to be a priority for these agencies. But every report needs to be investigated. I wish that Social Services would even return my phone calls when I call with a problem, but I'm just a parent and I am legally obligated to keep...