Well my 16 year old daughter was diagnosed with multiple illnesses 13 years ago. Every year she is diagnosed with something more. Now that she has also developed a strong dependecy on drugs and alcohol I just feel like our life has spiralled out of control (more out of control to be honest). She is very pretty and people are always taken aback when they first meet her. She is usually polite and quiet until they get to know her. She is now prostituting (for drugs and alcohol never for money) and stealing vehicles or items out of vehicles. When she drinks she never can stop until she is passed out or the alcohol is gone. When she drinks she loses everything including her bus pass (she had it for 2 days this month) her sisters phone (she took her 12 year old sisters phone out of her room without permission). She maxed out my credit cards (without permission she snuck it out of my purse) and has stolen 10,000. this year from us. We are obligated by law to keep her here until she is 18. That is a long 17 months from now. Even when she is arrested she is brought back to us. The law in Canada says that she is entitled to come and go as she wants, or move out but we have to take her back. This week she was arrested with a 21 year old male and a 15 year old male in 2 stolen vehicles. She gave a friends name and birthdate but the males gave her real name so she has been charged with obstruction of justice, and theft over 5000.00. They kept her in a holding cell for 22 hours before she was taken to the young offender centre. Next day she was given a no cash bail (and you got it) sent back to us. Her bond conditions were to stay away from the boys she was arrested with (hanging out with them within hours of release) and go to school and maintain good grades. Today she left for school almost an hour late. She accepts no responsibility and blames her father and myself for anything that goes wrong in her life. I no longer keep any money (not one penny) in the house or she steals it. She has been charged with assault of a peace officer but she was so drunk she was blacked out and remembers nothing. She won't even clean up after herself because we don't pay her to do anything so she owes us nothing, yet when she spends the night at other people's homes she cleans and cooks. 2 weeks ago she was so vile and hateful to her father he had had enough. He grabbed her by the scruff and shoved her out the door in a towel. When I grabbed her clothes and gave them to her she pushed her way back in when her father let her get into her clothes and then pushed her out the door again. She was so angry she grabbed a small boulder and threw it through the front storm door. The neighbours called the police and they escorted her into the house to grab her belongings and then drove her away. We didn't let her back in for 5 days. When she asked to come back I explained the new rules to her. She is to treat this as just another of the flops she stays in. If you put it down, pick it up. Do not yell at us or demand anything. Anything you get is a bonus. She wouldn't be calling any of these other people's parents whores,
es, douchbags etc. She wouldn't be hitting them or smashing their things. Now we are again finding ourselves with our backs to the wall. She has to be here every day from 9 pm to 6 am so that puts us in her sights for all of those hours. And she is just as hateful as can be. Where do we go from here.