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  1. Misssy2

    I feel stuck

    I am so overwhelmed by the responses..I have to come back...but I will and I will address everyone. My son seems to be on the same page as you all..i just can't get there.
  2. Misssy2

    a train wreck already

    Yea..but my son is not a drug addict...he came here because he was having a medical problem (seizures) and couldn't live alone...he just got well....and now I find myself being overly protective of him to the point it is disrupting my happiness.... He has grown in the year and 1/2 he has been...
  3. Misssy2


    My older son has not talked to me in 3 years..and he texted me Merry Christmas this year...His birthday is actually tomorrow New Years Day. He hurt me so much by not talking to me in that 3 years that I became numb to him...I no longer care....I have never seen my Grandaughter....this is my...
  4. Misssy2

    Hope for adult children

    Thank God he got on is torture when your anxiety is that high and you have to go it alone...many people self medicate with street drugs because of this reason..they make you feel better. Seems he is on the right track again and maybe you can step back now and get back to your...
  5. Misssy2

    a train wreck already

    :cry:Yes, I'm a person that runs. I want to be "somewhere out there" Great inspiration...that I also needed to hear.. The only part that bothered me is every person deserves peace in their own home....sanctuary...but my problem is....I think my son deserves the same things...he is in a bad...
  6. Misssy2

    a train wreck already

    Oh is a I have been in similar situations. So he is NOT in sober living because the deposit was not made? I'm a little confused. And is not your car....I am assuming this is your boys stepdad that is so mad? You need to get away from these people even...
  7. Misssy2

    Trying to detach from my son...I am too obsessed with his well being and happiness to the point...

    Trying to detach from my son...I am too obsessed with his well being and happiness to the point where I am getting physically ill.
  8. Misssy2

    Just checking in

    Sounds like he is doing well and all he needs is to keep growing up. I know how hard it is to manage a food budget..I have a homeless girl here..that runs water like crazy I have told her like 3x that I pay a water bill. And the food...she doesn't eat much cause she is a heroin addict. And when...
  9. Misssy2

    The blue in his eyes are no longer

    I understand getting the motel room...not something you SHOULD have done at all..but I would have done the same thing I know it...but lets not pull any punches..your original post...sounded so stood your ground..asked him to leave the property..sounds so strong...but then a few...
  10. Misssy2

    Tryin to hang in.

    Why isn't the PO letting him work? I know we love our children and want to see the best in them...especially if they are trying...But was he trying? Why would they not let him work?
  11. Misssy2

    I finally threw her out

    Yikes, I saw the turn when she moved from her Grandparents house to your house...I think she lost the little bit of structure she had left and went haywire. I believe that substance addictions are hereditary and that she is also escaping her feelings, situations and problems with drugs or...
  12. Misssy2

    Life continues ....not 100% drama free but 100% better

    I'm I don't know "E"s journey but it sounds like you should be very proud of him...and yourself because I'm sure there was work on both parts. Happy New Year.
  13. Misssy2

    Out of house 1 week

    I don't understand buying the gifts in the first place. As an outsider i am thinking there is a reason she is not living in your house and don't understand rewarding her with presents...I don't know if I would do the same thing in the situation... I'm not judging..because its very possible I...
  14. Misssy2

    What in the world

    Seems they are "stuck" in this dynamic. If she doesn't get the support she needs to speak up to her son...than this will never change. My son I believe to have that interminted explosive disorder..but the times I have been able to have heart to hearts with him..he knows his behavior is out of...
  15. Misssy2

    I feel stuck

    I'm 54.. I have my 29 year old son staying with me for the past 2 years. He was on his own but started suffering seizures and these seizures scared his room mate so much she didn't want him back there and he came to stay with me...So he has a full time job and works about 50 hours a...
  16. Misssy2

    Back Again....

    You said that we are "disappointed, frustrated, afraid and just plain done....Did you tell him these things? Did you tell him that he has never apologized? Because he may really not know these things....The brains arrest when they start using drugs..if he started using have to treat...