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  1. skittles

    My stress and anxiety are thru the roof.

    Dear KSM, I understand that need to be there especially with a little one but you are well down the road to being the childs caregiver, if thats not what you want you should draw those lines now or call CPS, if you do want that you should call anyway to get supports and financial help in place...
  2. skittles

    Check in thread - how are you all?

    Its been awhile for me also, Its my first Easter in a long time with young children in the house again. My two grands are settling in well. Ive been homeschooling them, a challenge but worth it. My 9 yr ild granddaughter couldnt read three months ago but now is reading grade two level fairly...
  3. skittles

    Glad I found this group

    Hi RJ, the constant anxiety even when day is going well is that ‘waiting for the other shoe to drop’..your always on guard. I tried EMDT which is a type of bilateral desensitization therapy which really helped me and antianxiety medications, u can ask your therapist about EMDT see if he/she is familiar...
  4. skittles

    Germaphobe son driving us over the edge

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) traits are often related to anxiety, i have an anxiety disorder called depersonalization, i suffered with extreme Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) throughout childhood. I was able to control it better as i got older when i became aware of how irrational it was. However its been a lifetime struggle, at 57 years old i...
  5. skittles

    Snow & Ice

    I can tell you something a friend said to me once that resonated, she has a skitzofrenic son.. she told me once ‘i love my son, but i dont like him’. I think alot of us can relate to that. It very aptly described the ambivalance i feel towards my own son.
  6. skittles

    Glad I found this group

    I also copied this for you, a mother on prison talk modified it as it was originally for loss of a loved one but the same stages apply: 7 Stages of Grief... 1. SHOCK & DENIAL- You will probably react to learning of the imprisonment with numbed disbelief. You may deny the reality of the...
  7. skittles

    Glad I found this group

    oh my what memories this brings back to me. I know exactly how you feel. My son did 5 years fir an armed home invasion, it was nearly two years before i could bring my self to tell his grandmother or anyone outside my immediate household, the excuses i had to make for Christmas ect. I was so...
  8. skittles


    Oh wow, this brings things so into perspective, we all have problems and stresses but some more than others. The fact that you can care so much for a strangers pain when you have your own says alot about you as a person, you have such empathy, it shows too how even when we think were ok the pain...
  9. skittles

    Custody of Grands

    Hello everyone, just posting update and wondered how other grandparents handle suddenly raising young ones again, especially online school! For those familiar with my story I now have temporary care of two of my grands, my son has the other three. Its been a busy month to say the least. Main...
  10. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    We got the children last night, the police arrrsted her boyfriend who had outstanding warrant and the kids are with me and my son at least til next court date mid january, id post more but utterly exhausted atm, thanks for all the support
  11. skittles

    My head is spinning, husband in ICU with Covid and bipolar son at home and off the rails.

    Dear Tish, please please as others have said, find a way a to safely get your son to leave. This is a control issue, your son like all of our children have learned to take advantage when we are vunerable. You are now ill, alone and scared..At this point likely very easy to intimidate and...
  12. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Today the judge ordered the children into mine and my sons care!!! We go with CAS and the police tomorrow to kitchener to get them, will keep you posted. Hopefully the last location we had for her is still good. What a long road this has been and not over yet. This is temporary emergency care...
  13. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Unfortunately no. I don’t know what she is thinking!! so yesterday my son and children’s aid presented plans of care to the court, My son also filed an emergency custody motion and Monday there is a hearing, I’m hoping the judge will make the order to seize the children. she did allow children’s...
  14. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Thanks everyone for best wishes. As for how we got the information, The plus side of all the help I’ve given her over the years is that I’ve had access to a lot of her passwords. maybe not completely ethical but in this case the ends justify the means, she doesn’t realize that I keep track of...
  15. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Update:!! We have found a hotel she is staying in in Kitchener, she was supposed to attend court by video , she did not, she had previously been ordered to disclose her location, she did not, and we have credible information that her crazy boyfriend is with her in violation of his release order...
  16. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Thankyou everyone for your support. Ive talked to Childrens Aid and am so frustrated. I told them a week ago that i suspected she was moving and I saw her boyfriend outside the house having a smoke. The worker was supposed to go by and never did so shes gone. At this point we can only try to find out...
  17. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Thankyou Newstart your prayers are very appreciated
  18. skittles

    heartbroken gramma

    Just posting to unburden my heart abit. For those that have read any of my backstory, my ex daughter in law has now taken off out of town with her boyfriend who was recently released from custody and has a no contact order in regards to my grandchildren (because he hurt my granddaughter court case pending) She has...
  19. skittles

    Amusing conversation

    Hi Again Applecori Just relized how utterly dejected i sound, actually im holding up pretty well thankyou fir asking. As i said i hurt terribly for the kids but i know its really out of my hands so other than feeling that sadness for them Im comfortable in my stance of non interference. I can...
  20. skittles

    Amusing conversation

    Thanks Applecori Since the boyfriend is gone yes I’ve seen quite a bit of the kids this last couple of weeks because she is panicking trying to find a place to live. Ive taken her to see a few but her rental history is so bad and she wont lower her expectations. I also know this guy will likely...