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  • Users: janie
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  1. janie

    Just keep swimming ... :)

    Just keep swimming ... :)
  2. janie

    Circle of Support for New Leaf

    Love, support and prayers from Janie in New Zealand ... and on to ....
  3. janie

    In the end, Buck may still be what breaks the camel's back.

    Hang in there Janet. You have had to cope with so many challenges over the past couple of years. I am sending you positive thoughts that things will get much better - and you will be put first. hugs from me
  4. janie

    Circle of Love and Support for our Star!!!!!

    Starbie* You are the STRONGEST WOMAN I KNOW!! Keep your chin up. Lots of love, prayers, and healing thoughts coming to you and DF. from Janie :)
  5. janie

    I'm so sad

    Dear Esther. My sincere condolences on the tragic loss of your darling niece. Sending you hugs and love x
  6. janie

    Star light, Star Bright, Hope your birthday is a delight!

    Happy Birthday Star* I sent Birthday greetings on 4th July - sounds like I got the date wrong :) I hope u have a brilliant day xx
  7. janie

    Seriously awful thing to have...personal info so beware

    Hi. I am sorry to hear about your awful experience. A natural remedy that helps me "if things are not moving through" ... is to eat raw carrots. I peel the carrots then slice lengthwise into strips. They are extra nice as a snack when dipped into natural yoghurt :)
  8. janie

    Just received word - my mother passed away tonight

    Hugs and prayers for you from Janie in New Zealand ...
  9. janie

    Prayers for Star and her DF.

    Prayers for a miraculous healing and speedy recovery for your darling DF. Big hugs and support from us all. Xoxo ~ Janie in NZ
  10. janie

    Circle of Love and Support for KLMNO, as she continues this long, hard journey

    ... New Zealand .... klmno, I can only imagine what you are experiencing. Just know that the CD Board members are supporting you ... and reaching my hand out to ....
  11. janie

    What do you appreciate about where you live?

    Hi Malika, Yes, I hope Star wins Lotto too .... she would be one of the most DESERVING people I know - and she would share it and make a difference to so many lives ... :) It is great to read about how other Board members feel about where they live - I am enjoying the descriptions :) I am...
  12. janie

    Circle of Love and Support for klmno

    Dear klmno, sending love and support from New Zealand .... I can't imagine the trauma you are experiencing .... I know the CD members will all be wishing you well ....
  13. janie

    Random Act of Kindness

    Hi there, I have a random act of kindness that I was allowed to do today ... I recently started training at a coffee place (I won't name it) - and I today we learned how to make Mocha Frappaccinos .... we are shown by the Manager how to make them (he demonstrates twice - and then we sample...
  14. janie

    Thank you - from the bottom of my heart and stomach

    I am so happy for you .... you absolutely deserve a lovely surprise and gift like that .... bless the person who thought to do this for you and df ..... :)
  15. janie

    One more thing to add to my horrible week ...

    Hi Shelly, All the suggestions so far have been great. When you mention that there is a psychological element to it - have you thought at all about maybe attending Overeaters Anonymous? I am a member - and it has helped me in ALL areas of my life (I have never smoked, or had drugs or alcohol -...
  16. janie

    More kids dictionary words for you

    OH, I loved those new words - I emailed a few to my kids :) Thanks :)
  17. janie

    Unemployment hearing and new job - lol!

    Hi Star*, I hope you win the employment case. Congrats on the new job - you will excell at it .... I thought of you today - husband and I went on a 15km walk along one of the bike trails that runs through orhcards and vineyards - so beautiful - and I saw 2 donkeys one cream and one chocolate - I...
  18. janie

    Casper - The PHOTO KING and Queen of my heart.

    What a BABE! ... I had to vote .... I hope they accept votes from New Zealand :) One day I hope to have a cuddle with Casper ...
  19. janie

    Stumbled Upon Something Cute/Fun

    Hi Tiapet, Those words are cute - I must have a look and see if I can find the book too :) Have a great week. from Janie in New Zealand
  20. janie

    Peak stress and mean girl.....friends..

    Hi Star*, If it is ANY consolation ..... my husband and I drove the 20 minute trip from Hastings to Napier today (to have a Starbucks hot choc - yeah, Hastings is too small to have a SB in it) .... anyway, we drive past quite a bit in the way of rural properties and orchards to get there. Every...