call 911
We had a LOWES truck pull up in the drive today and deliver - (snort) a GRILL! The man from Lowes would NOT divulge his information on WHO sent it - and DF was about to send it back as a wrong address. DF called me and after the UGLY grill contest? I had a sneaking suspicion someone here had a hand in this marvelous gift. I asked - Can you tell me ? NOPE I'm not allowed to say where it came from. Just enjoy it. Then I looked at the UGLY grill and said - "I think ....It would have to be because last year I entered an UGLY grill contest and my friends tried to help me win. We're still using it - gladly -----See?" -and I pointed three feet from us - and he made an awful face. Then I looked at DF and I said - I believe I may know who did this. YOU ARE NOT SOooo SNEAKY - But then again - I bow to your CLEVERNESS - I was afterall OUTSNEAKED. (happens once in a lifetime) 2 points to Gryffindor.
So as I'm talking to my suspected gift giver - The UPS man backs up in our country drive. Well the neighbors were already floored about the LOWES man being here. 13 years and we've NEVER had anything delivered from Lowes. Okay honestly we've never had anything delievered from anywhere. (lol) So the UPS man backs up and I'm thinking - "OH he's got the wrong address, he's turning around, he's...HE's HANDING ME TWO BOXES from where? OMAHA STEAK COMPANY?" I swear I laughed, then looked around like - If HE thinks theres () much chance I'm sending back STEAK, and CHICKEN, and BACON??? ANd TARTS? APPLE TARTS? The dogs were having a field day - BACK AWAY FROM THE BOXES......MINE ALL MINE. WEll the gift card - had a bee on it. THAT gave it away because the only people that I talk bees about with - are YOU gals here. No one else would ever care if I catch and release bees.
No one else is so DETAIL oriented......No one else cares that we have a grill that works okay - but really isn't nice (or fit) BUT If I could ever EVER have wished for a friend like the ones I have here? And especially the one I have in you? With or without the grill and the meat...I just never would have believed in my life I would have EVER EVER gotten so lucky.
You said you're the one that's thankful? (wipes tears) NOPE....Guess again.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful gift, - and by that I mean the friendship and love. You're one in a million. And I'll never tell either. The peace bonus is STILL working. ROFL.
Much Love & Hugs
So as I'm talking to my suspected gift giver - The UPS man backs up in our country drive. Well the neighbors were already floored about the LOWES man being here. 13 years and we've NEVER had anything delivered from Lowes. Okay honestly we've never had anything delievered from anywhere. (lol) So the UPS man backs up and I'm thinking - "OH he's got the wrong address, he's turning around, he's...HE's HANDING ME TWO BOXES from where? OMAHA STEAK COMPANY?" I swear I laughed, then looked around like - If HE thinks theres () much chance I'm sending back STEAK, and CHICKEN, and BACON??? ANd TARTS? APPLE TARTS? The dogs were having a field day - BACK AWAY FROM THE BOXES......MINE ALL MINE. WEll the gift card - had a bee on it. THAT gave it away because the only people that I talk bees about with - are YOU gals here. No one else would ever care if I catch and release bees.

You said you're the one that's thankful? (wipes tears) NOPE....Guess again.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a wonderful gift, - and by that I mean the friendship and love. You're one in a million. And I'll never tell either. The peace bonus is STILL working. ROFL.
Much Love & Hugs